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The English in Jamestown Chapter 2, Part I. Problems in England Spain and Portugal leading the way in exploration, England had other problems Spain and.

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Presentation on theme: "The English in Jamestown Chapter 2, Part I. Problems in England Spain and Portugal leading the way in exploration, England had other problems Spain and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The English in Jamestown Chapter 2, Part I

2 Problems in England Spain and Portugal leading the way in exploration, England had other problems Spain and Portugal leading the way in exploration, England had other problems England had allied itself with Spain England had allied itself with Spain 1530s – English Protestant Reformation with Catholics battling Protestants 1530s – English Protestant Reformation with Catholics battling Protestants

3 Queen Elizabeth Elizabeth comes to the throne in 1558 Elizabeth comes to the throne in 1558 –Protestant becomes the dominant religion –A rivalry with Spain develops Elizabeth sends out “sea dogs” or English buccaneers to seize Spanish ships and raid Spanish settlements Elizabeth sends out “sea dogs” or English buccaneers to seize Spanish ships and raid Spanish settlements

4 Spanish Armada In response, Phillip II of Spain launches an attack on England by his Spanish Armada In response, Phillip II of Spain launches an attack on England by his Spanish Armada –Phillip believed his ships to be invincible English crafts, although smaller, were quicker and were able to hold back invasion English crafts, although smaller, were quicker and were able to hold back invasion Led to a loss of confidence in Spain and a huge thirst for adventure and curiosity in England Led to a loss of confidence in Spain and a huge thirst for adventure and curiosity in England

5 Reasons to Leave Overpopulation Overpopulation Laws of Primogeniture – Only the eldest son was eligible to inherit land and money Laws of Primogeniture – Only the eldest son was eligible to inherit land and money Joint-stock company – Allowed a number of investors to pool together their capital Joint-stock company – Allowed a number of investors to pool together their capital Unemployment Unemployment Thirst for adventure Thirst for adventure Religious freedom Religious freedom

6 Jamestown The Virginia Company of London received a charter from King James I The Virginia Company of London received a charter from King James I Most went hoping to find gold Most went hoping to find gold All planned to only stay a few years All planned to only stay a few years *** The charter guaranteed that the settlers would have the same rights in America that they enjoyed in England *** *** The charter guaranteed that the settlers would have the same rights in America that they enjoyed in England ***

7 Location Jamestown was chosen because it was along the banks of a river and it was easy to defend Jamestown was chosen because it was along the banks of a river and it was easy to defend Mosquito infested and devastatingly unhealthy Mosquito infested and devastatingly unhealthy Swamp lands nearby, wooded area Swamp lands nearby, wooded area

8 Early Catastrophe May 24, 1607 – 100 men arrive May 24, 1607 – 100 men arrive 40 had already died on the voyage 40 had already died on the voyage From there, settlers quickly died from disease, malnutrition, and starvation From there, settlers quickly died from disease, malnutrition, and starvation Gentlemen – Men who had enjoyed a “privileged” status in England, refused to work in America Gentlemen – Men who had enjoyed a “privileged” status in England, refused to work in America Most men worried about finding gold, not gathering provisions for the winter Most men worried about finding gold, not gathering provisions for the winter

9 Order is Brought to Jamestown Capt. John Smith took over in 1608 proclaiming, “He who shall not work, shall not eat.” Capt. John Smith took over in 1608 proclaiming, “He who shall not work, shall not eat.” Also attempted to keep peace with Powhatan Indians Also attempted to keep peace with Powhatan Indians Of the 400 earliest settlers, only 60 survived into 1610 Of the 400 earliest settlers, only 60 survived into 1610

10 Lord De La Warr Jamestown almost extinct when a new governor brings a relief party Jamestown almost extinct when a new governor brings a relief party De La Warr imposed a harsh military regime and began attacking the Indians De La Warr imposed a harsh military regime and began attacking the Indians By 1625 – Only 1,200 out of the 8,000 settlers had survived By 1625 – Only 1,200 out of the 8,000 settlers had survived

11 Attacks on Indians 1 st and 2 nd Anglo-Powhatan War – English won both 1 st and 2 nd Anglo-Powhatan War – English won both Led to peace treaty of 1646 – Indians banished from their lands around Chesapeake, officially separated white and Indian areas of settlement Led to peace treaty of 1646 – Indians banished from their lands around Chesapeake, officially separated white and Indian areas of settlement By 1669 – Only 2,000 Indians were in Virginia, about 10% of original population By 1669 – Only 2,000 Indians were in Virginia, about 10% of original population

12 Why Did the Indians Lose? Disease – Smallpox and measles wiped out all of the elderly and young Disease – Smallpox and measles wiped out all of the elderly and young Disorganization – Although called a confederacy, Powhatans lacked unity and military discipline Disorganization – Although called a confederacy, Powhatans lacked unity and military discipline Disposability – Powhatans served no purpose to the whites, provided no labor source and nothing to offer in trade Disposability – Powhatans served no purpose to the whites, provided no labor source and nothing to offer in trade

13 Tobacco John Rolfe – Perfected the cultivation of tobacco John Rolfe – Perfected the cultivation of tobacco Proves to be the savior of Jamestown Proves to be the savior of Jamestown Impossible to keep up with European demand Impossible to keep up with European demand People now wanted more and more land People now wanted more and more land Leads to more and more problems with Indians Leads to more and more problems with Indians

14 Jamestown Jamestown began to flourish, but at an expense Jamestown began to flourish, but at an expense Now relied on one fluctuating crop, rich years and poor years, nothing steady Now relied on one fluctuating crop, rich years and poor years, nothing steady Huge demand for laborers Huge demand for laborers –1619 – Dutch ship sells 20 Africans in Jamestown – first known case of slavery

15 Jamestown (cont.) Representative self-government was formed in 1619 Representative self-government was formed in 1619 London Company authorized the settlers to begin an assembly called the House of Burgesses to vote & debate issues London Company authorized the settlers to begin an assembly called the House of Burgesses to vote & debate issues 1624 – Charter was revoked by King James I and Virginia was put under royal control 1624 – Charter was revoked by King James I and Virginia was put under royal control

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