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c fingler - bc hydro 1998 PI User's Conference 25 March.

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2 c fingler - bc hydro 1998 PI User's Conference 25 March

3 BC Hydro Power Supply n Power Supply operates: ä 61 dams ä 32 Hydroelectric Stations (10,500 MW) ä One Gas-fired Thermal Station (960 MW) ä Two Combustion Turbine Stations (60 MW) n BC Government owned n Deregulation

4 c fingler - bc hydro 1998 PI User's Conference 25 March BC Hydro Power Supply Power Supply Mission To be the supplier of choice by providing our customers with competitive energy products and services while being profitable and socially responsible. Vision Statement Power Supply will compete profitably in any energy market structure.

5 c fingler - bc hydro 1998 PI User's Conference 25 March Powerex n BC Hydro subsidiary n Responsible for electricity trading n Contract (long-term) n Pre-schedule (next day) n Spot (next hour)

6 c fingler - bc hydro 1998 PI User's Conference 25 March Power Supply Operations Reservoir Levels Domestic Load Market Opportunity Environmental Impact Maintenance Outages Weather, Inflow forecasts System energy, capacity Real-Time Dispatch Next Hour - next day Next Day - next year TIME DOMAIN Historical

7 c fingler - bc hydro 1998 PI User's Conference 25 March Situations to avoid on your shift

8 c fingler - bc hydro 1998 PI User's Conference 25 March Why Real-Time Data Tools? n EMS system monitors many data points n Deregulation - functional separation of T&D from Power Supply - “firewall” n FERC Standard of Conduct requirement n Need for a system to interrogate EMS in real-time for generation-related data, compatible with BCH computing strategy

9 c fingler - bc hydro 1998 PI User's Conference 25 March WHY PI ? n good fit with BCH direction for computer platforms & Goal Technology Architecture (PC & OLE) n previous interface with L&G EMS computer n Firewall from EMS, archive capability, excel links (PI-DL) & user-buildable display tool (PI-PB)

10 c fingler - bc hydro 1998 PI User's Conference 25 March AGC PLANTS OVERVIEW

11 c fingler - bc hydro 1998 PI User's Conference 25 March






17 Plant Trends

18 c fingler - bc hydro 1998 PI User's Conference 25 March TRENDS Multistate ElementsWORD.doc OLE EXCEL.xls OLE ODBC Datasets Linked PB Display

19 c fingler - bc hydro 1998 PI User's Conference 25 March ! Raw Data FB, MW PI Servers Plant_Status C (Background) Plant_Monitor VB Desktop PC Limits.txt Control.txt Generate Alarm Visual, Audible FB,MW Tags Status Flags FB,MW Tags Multi-state Elements

20 c fingler - bc hydro 1998 PI User's Conference 25 March PI-DL PI-PB PI-API PI-DL PI-PB PI-API PI-PB PI-API PI-DL

21 c fingler - bc hydro 1998 PI User's Conference 25 March


23 “BAD OPERATION” H/k = 0.35

24 c fingler - bc hydro 1998 PI User's Conference 25 March “GOOD OPERATION” H/k = 0.34

25 c fingler - bc hydro 1998 PI User's Conference 25 March H/k = 0.35

26 c fingler - bc hydro 1998 PI User's Conference 25 March Future Development n Operations: ä Sophisticated alarming (PI PB2.0) ä Implementation of optimizer models ä Ancilliary services n Business Transition Program: ä Plant Data Collection Nodes ä MCM - predictive maintenance ä Interface to commercial management system

27 c fingler - bc hydro 1998 PI User's Conference 25 March THANK YOU ! www.

28 c fingler - bc hydro 1998 PI User's Conference 25 March

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