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DisclaimerDisclaimer The material contained in this PPT is a raw model output and research product. This is meant for scientific use.

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Presentation on theme: "DisclaimerDisclaimer The material contained in this PPT is a raw model output and research product. This is meant for scientific use."— Presentation transcript:

1 DisclaimerDisclaimer The material contained in this PPT is a raw model output and research product. This is meant for scientific use.

2 INITIAL CONDITION: 27 th December 2015 Experimental Extended range prediction Experimental Extended range prediction

3 Real-time forecast based on 27 th December 2015 initial condition  This MME forecast has been prepared using the CFS (T126 & T382) and GFSbc (T126 & T382) (each 11 members). Abhilash et. al (2015): Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 54, July 2015, DOI:10.1175/JAMC-D-14-0200.1, 1569-1578

4 Daily evolution of rainfall and wind at 850hPa (by MME)

5 Daily evolution of vorticity at 850hPa and mean sea level pressure (by MME)

6 Daily evolution of minimum and maximum temperature (by MME)

7 Daily evolution of minimum and maximum temperature Anomaly (by MME)

8 Predicted pentad wise temperature anomaly (by MME)

9 Daily evolution of divergence and winds at 200hPa and 500mb Geopotential Height (by MME)

10 Predicted pentad wise rainfall (by MME)

11 The next 20 days forecast indicates that  Western disturbance activities are likely to cause precipitation over the western Himalayan region during last 3 pentads with above normal precipitation during 2 nd and 4 th pentads.  A feeble easterly wave trough is likely to cause normal rainfall activity over southern parts of Tamil Nadu during the first pentad.  Remaining parts of India is likely to experience dry weather which is normal during this part of the season.  North India may have respite from cold wave with normal to above normal temperatures during all the 4 pentads. Below normal night minimum temperatures are likely over south peninsula during 1 st, 2 nd & 3 rd pentads due to clear skies and radiational cooling resulted from continental dry air replacing the warm & moist maritime air.  MJO associated convection is moving towards Central Pacific and a fresh spell of MJO associated convective anomaly is expected to appear over Western Indian ocean and expected to move eastward. Key points from the present forecast


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