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L24 The meteorologist says a storm is coming… Air Masses and Fronts Created by sfalwell, permission for teachers to use if they include a link to

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1 L24 The meteorologist says a storm is coming… Air Masses and Fronts Created by sfalwell, permission for teachers to use if they include a link to

2 Air is a FLUID A fluid can be a liquid or a gas Like water, air FLOWS and FORMS MASSES (AKA “blobs”) 93&bih=453&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=GoJeomeIyRjrsM:&imgrefurl= m/home/saf/page_170&docid=HZ_dFhNKoLVydM&imgurl= /cec_students_swimming_lake_michigan.jpg&w=325&h=246&ei=gFF7UKOTApOy8QSe9YHABg&zoom=1& iact=hc&vpx=501&vpy=2&dur=1851&hovh=195&hovw=258&tx=137&ty=87&sig=11406719996867580728 8&page=11&tbnh=152&tbnw=199&ndsp=13&ved=1t:429,r:36,s:100,i:112

3 VOCABULARY 1.Air Mass = 2.Tropical = 3.Polar = 4.Continental = 5.Maritime = 1.a “blob” of air with similar properties 2.Near equator (warmer) 3.Near poles (colder) 4.Over land (dry) 5.Over water (humid)

4 Maritime Polar Maritime Tropical Continental Polar Continental Tropical R 24 (Top Half of Page)

5 FRONT = Review:  How does different temperature air move?  What makes clouds and precipitation? Warm front Cold front Stationary front Occluded front R24 Quest. go on bottom of page Key words in your answers: Density Condensation where 2 or more air masses meet 4 Types of Fronts

6 /lesson4/intro.html&docid=9WGv-- nP52NVNM&imgurl= w=259&tx=139&ty=93&sig=114067199968675807288&page=2&tbnh=100&tbnw=116&start=9&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:0,i:99

7 Set Up Interactive Notebook Pages Notes on 4 types of fronts L25 Warm Front R25 Stationary Front Cold FrontOccluded Front PictureWords Picture Words

8 Warm Front

9 Cold Front

10 Stationary Front

11 tp:// weather.patterns/occlusion.stage.2.jpg&w=796&h=301&ei=f6N8ULi0Eoiu8ATDkYD4Cg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=247&vpy=29&dur=1471&hovh=138&hovw=365&tx=274&ty=101&sig=1140671999 68675807288&page=8&tbnh=99&tbnw=262&start=60&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429,r:45,s:20,i:336 Occluded Front

12 Set Up Interactive Notebook Pages Notes on 4 types of fronts At the end of this lesson, you want to be able to explain: 1.How are air masses formed and named? 2.What are the 4 kinds of fronts? a)How are they named? b)What kind of weather do they bring? Why?

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