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Lesson 0.5: Parts of Speech

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1 Lesson 0.5: Parts of Speech
Interactive grammar notebook

2 Nouns Definition: words that name people, places, things, and ideas
Examples: man, museum, fruit, freedom I went to the store yesterday to buy milk.

3 Verbs Definition: words that express an action or state of being
Examples: jump, hide, seem, is, are They are the nicest people you will ever meet.

4 Adjectives Definition: describing words; words that modify nouns or pronouns (*modify means to alter or to change*) Examples: pretty, blue, lazy, awesome The food at the new restaurant was very bland and flavorless.

5 Adverbs Definition: words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs Examples: softly, always, very, too I walked quietly into the library to return my very overdue book.

6 Prepositions Definition: words that show a relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in the sentence Examples: about, at, before, in, under She found the missing science textbook under her bed.

7 Conjunctions Definition: words that join other words or groups of words Examples: and, but, or, so, yet Mikey doesn’t like Thai food but he does like Indian cuisine.

8 Interjections Definition: words used to express emotion
Examples: Wow! Ouch! Hooray! Whoa! Phew! I’m glad we are done with these notes.

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