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Anatomy of a SUPER GREETER. Who’s Missing from Your Welcome Team? MEMBERS They all know they’re hosts, not guests, right? GREETERS These awesome people.

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Presentation on theme: "Anatomy of a SUPER GREETER. Who’s Missing from Your Welcome Team? MEMBERS They all know they’re hosts, not guests, right? GREETERS These awesome people."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anatomy of a SUPER GREETER

2 Who’s Missing from Your Welcome Team? MEMBERS They all know they’re hosts, not guests, right? GREETERS These awesome people are quick with a smile and a handshake and can point people in the right direction. SUPER GREETERS Your superhero hosts, especially suited to high-volume events. But how can you spot Super Greeters without their capes?

3 SUPER GREET ERS are super friendly and super nice. (Duh!)

4 SUPER GREETERS are down to earth but have very high energy.

5 SUPER GREETERS are quick to get on board with the job they’re assigned.

6 SUPER GREETERS have a STRONG understanding of what it feels like to be a new visitor.

7 SUPER GREETERS know how to get people where they need to go…and make the trip enjoyable!

8 SUPER GREETERS are the ones all other greeters look to (and up to).

9 SUPER GREETERS can load and unload a parking lot with a minimum of honking and funnel guests through the front door.

10 SUPER GREETER S are good communicators.

11 SUPER GREETERS are knowledgable about: Church security protocols Facilities layout (they even carry maps!) Emergency exits and plans Names and roles of church leaders and staff Upcoming events

12 SUPER GREET ERS understand the science of connecting with people.

13 Is that a trick question? SUPER GREETERS are hard to stump. They know the difference between the Nursery and the Preschool and how your software helps prevent someone’s child from eating peanuts.

14 SUPER GREETERS know about all the church’s ministries. The Super- Signers? They perform all the worship music in sign language. They meet Thursday nights at 7 to rehearse.

15 SUPER GREETERS see how processes are working and have ideas about how to improve them.

16 Bilingual SUPER GREETERS provide extra value for churches in multi-cultural communities.

17 “ What we suggest to churches now is to have after-service hosts. This is not just a greeter who stands at the door and shakes peoples’ hands on the way out. These are people in the santuary whose ministry begins when the last prayer ends. Their job is to look for people they don’t recognize, go up and introduce themselves, and act as a host, introducing them to the pastor, inviting them to the coffee table, and really—in the sense that we often think of the word ‘host’—to be a host. ” Charles Arn President, American Society of Church Growth

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