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Tests at Saclay D. Calvet, A. Formica, Z. Georgette, I. Mandjavidze, P. Micout DAPNIA/SEDI, CEA Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex.

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Presentation on theme: "Tests at Saclay D. Calvet, A. Formica, Z. Georgette, I. Mandjavidze, P. Micout DAPNIA/SEDI, CEA Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tests at Saclay D. Calvet, A. Formica, Z. Georgette, I. Mandjavidze, P. Micout DAPNIA/SEDI, CEA Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex

2 Lyon 04/02/02 2 Outlines Set-up at Saclay Remarks and Suggestions on 1.Documentation 2.Code Distribution 3.Code Portability Globus 21 deployment EDG Middleware deployment 1.UI installation 2.CE installation Remarks and Suggestions on GIS Future Plans

3 Lyon 04/02/02 3 Set-up at Saclay A dedicated « » network deployed A cluster of two PCs installed on that network –RedHat 6.2 Linux –Gate01: 1 GHz P3, 512 Mbyte, 40 Gbyte Disk –Gate02: an old PC mostly to be used for internal tests Globus  21 has been deployed on both PCs: –Gate01: GRAM: fork & PBS GIIS: « dapnia », subscribes to France GIIS GRIS, subscribes to « dapnia » GIIS –Gate02: GRIS: fake « fork » GRAM, subscribes to « dapnia » GIIS Deployment of EDG Middleware is on the way

4 Lyon 04/02/02 4 Documentation: Observations Many Sources of Documentation on the WEB  « EDG Installation Guide » (prior to 23/01/2002) (Almost) No Information about Installation  From download directly to configure Confusing Information about Configuration  Due to different sources of information  Incomplete in description of configuration variables and files Few Documentation on Testbed Usage  Almost no description of EDG Commands

5 Lyon 04/02/02 5 Documentation: Suggestions  Administration Guide oDownload, Installation, Configuration, Maintenance and Tests of deployment oDetailed description of System-level commands  Users Guide oUser Environment Set-up and Test oDetailed description of User-level commands  On-line Help oManual pages, usage messages, etc  For each Testbed release oDescription of functionalities and services provided

6 Lyon 04/02/02 6 Code Distribution: Observations Presented as a Common Pool of RPMs –Globus: mixture of (conflicting) flavours –EDG: mixture of all Middleware packages Suggests a blind installation –“Rpm –i *.rpm” : conflicting rpm-s Does not provide Package Dependencies –Tedious manual resolution of dependencies Results in difficulties for Code Maintenance –“Unrecognizable” EDG packages –Installation of multiple versions for some packages

7 Lyon 04/02/02 7 Code Distribution: Suggestions  Self-consistent sets of RPMs oSeparate Globus flavours oSeparate EDG packages by their functionalities oGive list of dependencies for every package  Coordinate the use of external packages oAvoid multiple versions  Identify EDG Packages oGeneralize the use of the “edg” prefix

8 Lyon 04/02/02 8 Code Portability Only one, now outdated, OS supported –A bunch of RPMs to upgrade is provided by EDG –RedHAT 6.2 Linux will be difficult to install on modern PCs Large diversity of programming languages, shells and tools –Globus: C and Bash –EDG: Perl, Python, XML, Tcl/Tk, SWIG… RPM Distribution –Usually limited to Linux –Globus is not distributed via CVS

9 Lyon 04/02/02 9 Installation –Confusing and conflicting mixture of flavours « non-threaded » flavours used in case of conflicts Corruption of MANPATH in user’s profile –In certain cases all man pages (but that for globus) disappear Configuration: –Poor documentation for the globus.conf file –Minor bug in the globus.conf.template file Tests –Preliminary simple tests were successful Globus Deployment

10 Lyon 04/02/02 10 User Interface Deployment Installation –Better structured RPM repositories would speed up installation “Workload” script –Does not execute automatically at user login –User environment variables (e.g. PATH) are not updated This differs from Globus Tests –dg-job-submit returns “succeeded” on RB at CERN even when the user has no authorization (not in “grid-mapfile”) –dg-job-status fails – cannot trace job

11 Lyon 04/02/02 11 Computing Element Deployment Installation –Better structured RPM repositories would speed up installation Configuration –Poor documentation for globus.conf and info-mds.conf files –Supports only « PBS » and « LSF » Tests –So far, we have never managed to achieve satisfactory behavior

12 Lyon 04/02/02 12 GRID Information Service Two Parallel Information Systems: Globus MDS and Ftree –Confusing: Why do we need two systems? –Is Ftree necessary for Middleware Packages (e.g. WP 1)? –If yes, why is it optional? Globus MDS in the EDG Distribution –Hierarchical GIS is in place –Security features announced (to be tested) –GRIS maintains information about resources of local node –There is no more information about GRAM! Why? Comment: simple patch exists to reintegrate GRAM in MDS

13 Lyon 04/02/02 13 GRID Information Service: Cont. Ftree –Is a Ftree hierarchy planned? Is it planned to secure it? Duplication of efforts LSupports only « PBS » and « LSF » jobmanagers Forces to install a batch system on a « one node cluster » LActive Ftree corrupts Globus GRIS running on the same node JProvides valuable additional information compared to MDS e.g. authorized users Suggestions –Integrate Ftree development into Globus MDS Profit from GIS hierarchy and security –Let MDS maintain info on GRAMs not yet supported in Ftree

14 Lyon 04/02/02 14 Future Plans Solve Current Installation Problems –Better understand issues with the UI and CE packages Proceed with Installation of other EDG Packages –Deploy locally Resource Broker, Storage Element… –Get experience with Replica Catalog, Virtual Organizations… Participate in Tests of EDG Middleware –Integrate the Cluster at Saclay in Testbed1 Continue to provide feedback to EDG developers (Within the context of EDG test group)

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