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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Research Data - A Challenge for Academic Libraries XI. International Conference on University Libraries Mexico-City November.

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Presentation on theme: "Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Research Data - A Challenge for Academic Libraries XI. International Conference on University Libraries Mexico-City November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Research Data - A Challenge for Academic Libraries XI. International Conference on University Libraries Mexico-City November 06th - 08th 2013 Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science 1 Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science

2 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Agenda 2 Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science Source: 1.Introduction 2.Research Data 3.Function and Requirements 4.Research Data Management 5.Registry of Research Data Repositories

3 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 3 The Changing Communication Process or the characteristic of an academic working place Computer supported Researchers are working in a “cloud” multimedia (without a fixed carrier medium) Text; Audio- a. Videofiles; … Access to the worldwide Knowledge Libraries, digital information systems, ubiquitous inf. Location independent (every time in the net) University, at home, at the conference location, ect. Worldwide collaboration research secure platforms and so on 1. Introduction Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher Computer- und Medienservice Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft

4 Reference: Michael Nentwich, 2003, Cyberscience – Research in the Age of the Internet, S. 24

5 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 2. Research Data 5 Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science “[…] digital data being a (descriptive) part or the result of a research process. This process covers all stages of research, ranging from research data generation, which may be in an experiment in the sciences, an empirical study in the social sciences or observations of cultural phenomena, to the publication of research results. Digital research data occur in different data types, levels of aggregation and data formats, informed by the research disciplines and their methods. With regards to the purpose of access for use and re-use of research data, digital research data are of no value without their metadata and proper documentation describing their context and the tools used to create, store, adapt, and analyze them.” (Kindling & Schirmbacher, 2013)

6 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Survey on Research Data Management at HU Berlin a) Where does your research data derive from? Please indicate your main sources. 6 Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science

7 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Publikation von Forschungsdaten Quelle:] Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science

8 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Enquete-Kommission Internet und digitale Gesellschaft, 2012. Enquete-Kommission of the German Parliament: Internet and digital Society Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science 8 8 2. Research Data

9 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin The Royal Society, 2012. Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science 9 „Scientists should communicate the data they collect and the models they create, to allow free and open access, and in ways that are intelligible, assessable and usable for other specialists in the same or linked fields wherever they are in the world. Where data justify it, scientists should make them available in an appropriate data repository. Where possible, communication with a wider public audience should be made a priority, and particularly so in areas where openness is in the public interest.“

10 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin European Commission: Recommendations for the Memberstates European Commission. (2012). Commission Recommendation on access to and preservation of scientific information. C(2012) 4890 final. Retrieved from Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science 10 2. Research Data

11 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin High Level Expert Group on Scientific Data, 2010. „Researchers and practitioners from any discipline are able to find, access and process the data they need. They can be confident in their ability to use and understand data, and they can evaluate the degree to which that data can be trusted.“ “Producers of data benefit from opening it to broad access, and prefer to deposit their data with confidence in reliable repositories. A framework of repositories is guided by international standards, to ensure they are trustworthy.” Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science 11 Vision 2030 2. Research Data

12 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Van der Graaf, M., & Waaijers, L. 2011. Incentives for scholars Training the researcher and users Building the infrastructure „The three main challenges in developing an ecosystem of data repositories are (1) gaps in the present data infrastructure and (2) connectivity issues (between the workflow of researchers and the institutional data infrastructure and between institutional and national data infrastructures) and (3) long-term financial basis.” Funding the infrastructure Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science 12 2. Research Data

13 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 3. Research Data - Functions and Requirements 13 Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science Functions of Research Data Instrument of Proof Point of Communication Reputation Re-Use

14 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 3. Research Data - Functions and Requirements 14 Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science Requirements for Research Data 1.Accessibility 2.Sustainability 3.Traceability 4.Authenticity 5.Quality assurance 6.assessment 7.Speed of publishing 8.Integrity

15 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Survey on Research Data Management at HU Berlin b) Please indicate data types more specifically. 15 Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science

16 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Survey on Research Data Management at HU Berlin c) Please indicate specific data types you work with. 16 Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science

17 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 4. Research Data Management 17 Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science h) What support or services do you wish to have at HU?

18 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 5. Registry of Research Data Repositories 18 Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science EC: ICT infrastructures for e-science „The landscape of data repositories across Europe is fairly heterogeneous, but there is a solid basis to develop a coherent strategy to overcome the fragmentation and enable research communities to better manage, use, share and preserve data.“ European Commission. (2009). ICT infrastructures for e-science. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. COM(2009) 108 final. Retrieved from http://eur-

19 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 5. Registry of Research Data Repositories 19 Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science PANGAEA, GEO,

20 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 5. Registry of Research Data Repositories 20 Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science BDPP, SDDB,

21 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 5. Registry of Research Data Repositories 21 Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science Open Data LMU, PURR,

22 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 5. Registry of Research Data Repositories 22 Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science will be a global registry of research data repositories will cover research data repositories from all academic disciplines will help researchers, funding bodies, publishers and scholarly institutions to find research data repositories aims to promote a culture of sharing, increased access and better visibility of research data

23 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science 23 5. Registry of Research Data Repositories

24 Reviewed Results

25 Comprehensive Dataset


27 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 5. Registry of Research Data Repositories 27 Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher. Computer and Media Service Berlin School of Library and Information Science Thanks to my colleagues from Electronic Publishing Working Group at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Maxi Kindling, Elena Simukovic, Paul Vierkant, Re3data project group: Roland Bertelmann, Jens Klump, Heinz Pampel, Frank Scholze, Hans-Jürgen Goebelbecker, Jens Gundlach gracias por vuestra atención!

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