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Better or Not…Here They Come Ohio’s Encounter with the Common Core & Revised Standards.

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Presentation on theme: "Better or Not…Here They Come Ohio’s Encounter with the Common Core & Revised Standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Better or Not…Here They Come Ohio’s Encounter with the Common Core & Revised Standards

2 Two Development Processes Common Core (Organization) English Language Arts Mathematics (48 states, Washington, DC, & 2 Territories) Ohio Revised Standards Science Social Studies

3 Common Core Criteria Focused: Fewer, clearer, and higher College & work expectations Internationally benchmarked Rigorous and coherent content & application of higher-order skills Strengths and lessons of “current”/”previous standards” Evidence and research-based

4 Timeline/Count Down (or Up) June 2010 Common Core Standards Adopted in Ohio March 2011 Model Curriculum Adopted in Ohio 2012-2013 Field Testing New Assessments 2013-2014 Standard Setting for New Assessments 2014-2015 Implementation of New Assessments

5 Framework for 21 st Century Learning

6 21 st Century Skill Sets Creativity & Innovation Critical Thinking & Problem-Solving Communication & Collaboration Technology Literacy Personal Management Productivity & Accountability Leadership & Responsibility Interdisciplinary & Project-Based Learning

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