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Thermoregulation, Glucose Metabolism, A bit of Endocrinology, and Frog Reflexes Lab 1 st Quiz 14 Sept 2007 Circle the letter of all correct responses for.

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Presentation on theme: "Thermoregulation, Glucose Metabolism, A bit of Endocrinology, and Frog Reflexes Lab 1 st Quiz 14 Sept 2007 Circle the letter of all correct responses for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thermoregulation, Glucose Metabolism, A bit of Endocrinology, and Frog Reflexes Lab 1 st Quiz 14 Sept 2007 Circle the letter of all correct responses for each question!

2 # 1 During the post-absorptive state, what is the fate of glucose in muscle tissue? a) converted to glycogen b) converted to triglycerides c) converted to amino acids d) metabolized to generate ATP

3 # 2 During the absorptive state, what is the fate of glucose in liver cells? a) taken in by facilitated transport membrane proteins b) converted to fatty acids c) converted to glycogen d) released into the plasma

4 #3 Insulin promotes (stimulates) a) glycogenolysis b) the formation of triglycerides c) gluconeogenesis d) glucose uptake by hepatocytes e) glucose uptake by muscle cells.

5 #4 Which of the following is/are efferent pathways in the feedback loop for glucose homeostasis? a) Alpha cells in Islets of Langerhans b) Beta cells in Islets of Langerhans c) epinephrine d) insulin e) glucagon f) sympathetic nerves

6 #5 Which of the following can stimulate insulin secretion? a) decreased plasma glucose concentration b) increased plasma amino acid concentration c) gastrin d) increased plasma epinephrine.

7 #6 In a person with reactive hypoglycemia during the second hour after drinking the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test beverage containing 10 g of glucose, a) plasma glucose levels are higher than normal b) glucagon secretion should be increased c) levels of epinephrine would be elevated d) a headache is likely as cerebral blood vessels dilate to provide brain tissue with glucose.

8 #7 Smelling the aroma from a pastry shop before you’ve eaten breakfast can trigger the secretion of ______ which is an example of _______. a) insulin………..buffering b) glucagon……..adaptation c) insulin ……….feedforward d) epinephrine…..natural selection

9 #8 Which of the following is an integrator in the negative feedback loop for thermoregulation? a) cutaneous arterioles b) hypothalamus c) cerebral cortex d) epinephrine e) sweat glands

10 #9 Which of the following hormones are transported in the plasma mainly in combination with plasma proteins as “bound” hormones? a) peptide hormones b) thyroid hormones c) steroid hormones d) amine hormones

11 #10 Which of the following responses are eliminated when the brain of a frog is completely pithed? a) righting response b) corneal reflex c) wiping reflex d) orientation of the head with respect to gravity and visual cues.

12 #11 In the space remaining on the bottom of the answer sheet, diagram a negative feedback response that begins with a person jumping into icy cold water while wearing a bathing suit as part of a New Year’s ritual in Wisconsin. This is a timed response. Stop writing when the signal is given.

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