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1.C.1a Use information to form questions and verify predictions. 1.C.1b Identify important themes and topics. 1.C.1c Make comparisons across reading selections.

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Presentation on theme: "1.C.1a Use information to form questions and verify predictions. 1.C.1b Identify important themes and topics. 1.C.1c Make comparisons across reading selections."— Presentation transcript:


2 1.C.1a Use information to form questions and verify predictions. 1.C.1b Identify important themes and topics. 1.C.1c Make comparisons across reading selections. 1.C.1e Identify how authors and illustrators express their ideas in text and graphics (e.g., dialogue, conflict, shape, color, characters). 2.B.1c Relate character, setting and plot to real-life situations

3 Who are the main characters in the books? How does the Berenstain Bear family relate to your family? What is one lesson you have learned from reading the Berenstain Bears books? If you were in the main characters shoes would you handle the situation differently? Which character do you feel you act like on a daily basis? How did the illustrations help you to understand the story?

4 Students will be divided into three groups of five. Each student will be assigned a special bear. Each group will read a Berenstein Bear book together. The group will act out the story from the book to the rest of the class using the lesson they learned.

5 Papa Bear-Reader Student will read the original story aloud to the rest of the group. Student will act out the role of Papa Bear Mama Bear-Illustrator Student will draw a picture of the lesson being taught in the story Student will act out the role of Mama Bear Brother Bear-Writer Student will write a script of the play their group will present Student will act out the role of Brother Bear Sister Bear-Director Student will lead the group and set up to present the play to the rest of the class Student will act out the role of Sister Bear Honey Bear-Explains Lesson Student will explain the lesson learned to the entire class. Student will act out the role of Honey Bear

6 “This way to Bear Country, you'll know when you're there. As soon as you enter, you'll feel like a bear. A great grizzly bear! A Berenstain bear!” -Papa Bear

7 Have teacher read Bernstain Bear books and have students discuss the morals. Use and have the students post their own story about the morals they have learned. Write a biography about Jan and Stan Bernstein using Glogster. Bernstain Bear’s movie day.

8 The conclusion of the lesson will be evaluated through the role playing of the students. The presentation will show teamwork and creativity.

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