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Mapping of soil moisture content by SWAT and GIS programming GEOG 593.

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Presentation on theme: "Mapping of soil moisture content by SWAT and GIS programming GEOG 593."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapping of soil moisture content by SWAT and GIS programming GEOG 593

2 Procedure GIS Data Preprocessing Raster dataset DEM lulc Soil Shape file Outlet.shp Making Soil Moisture Map SWAT output file Watershed Soil Lulc Making HRU (Hydrologic Response Unit) Map Running SWAT OverlayJoin Watershed Delineation (with DEM and outlet.shp) Preparing SWAT input files

3 Watershed delineation 1.Fill DEM 2.Flow direction 3.Flow accumulation 4.Convert point shape file to raster 5.Watershed delineation

4 Hydrologic Response Units (HRU) Hydrologic response units are lumped land areas within the subbasin that are comprised of unique land cover, soil and management combinations HRU Watershed Layer Soil Type Layer Land Cover Layer

5 Making HRU map To create a unique number which represents the watershed, soil type and LULC of an area, those three layers were overlaid using the following weights: 10000000 x watershed + 10000 x soil + LULC This analysis results in an 8 digit number with the first digit represents the watershed, the second, third, and fourth digits represent the soil type, the fifth digit is always zero and the sixth, seventh and eighth digit represent the land cover type

6 Making HRU Map (continued) Example: _ _ _ _ WatershedSoil Type LULC 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 0

7 Resulting HRU Map

8 Making soil moisture map Joining SWAT result file to the HRU map 1.Convert SWAT result file (.sbs) to dbf file 2.Make separate dbf file for each day

9 (show final map)

10 Discussion

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