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LAB SAFETY. The Listening Rule Listen to all lab instructions carefully. Listen to all lab instructions carefully. Don’t do anything unless you are sure.

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Presentation on theme: "LAB SAFETY. The Listening Rule Listen to all lab instructions carefully. Listen to all lab instructions carefully. Don’t do anything unless you are sure."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Listening Rule Listen to all lab instructions carefully. Listen to all lab instructions carefully. Don’t do anything unless you are sure of your directions. Don’t do anything unless you are sure of your directions.

3 The Right Outfit for the Lab Wear proper clothing in the lab, including a lab coat and lab glasses. Wear proper clothing in the lab, including a lab coat and lab glasses. Tie back long hair/scarves. Don’t wear long necklaces or long earrings. Tie back long hair/scarves. Don’t wear long necklaces or long earrings.

4 No Eating in the Lab Don’t eat anything in the lab including your own food/drink/gum or anything you find or make in the lab! Don’t eat anything in the lab including your own food/drink/gum or anything you find or make in the lab!

5 Handling Apparatus Handle apparatus and materials safely. If you don’t understand what to do, ask. Handle apparatus and materials safely. If you don’t understand what to do, ask.

6 Sharp Things If using a knife, cut away from you. Be cautious of sharp edges. If using a knife, cut away from you. Be cautious of sharp edges. Inform teacher of broken glass. Inform teacher of broken glass.

7 Electricity and Water Make sure you have dry hands when dealing with electrical equipment. Make sure you have dry hands when dealing with electrical equipment.

8 Heat Do not leave anything on the heat unattended. Do not leave anything on the heat unattended. Always wear lab glasses when heating something. Always wear lab glasses when heating something. Never use a broken or cracked container to heat something. Never use a broken or cracked container to heat something.

9 Chemical Contact with Skin If you come in contact with a dangerous substance, wash the area with water and inform your teacher. If you come in contact with a dangerous substance, wash the area with water and inform your teacher. If you get something in your eye, inform your teacher and wash with water for 15 minutes. If you get something in your eye, inform your teacher and wash with water for 15 minutes.

10 Disposal Never dump materials down the sink. Follow teacher directions for disposal Never dump materials down the sink. Follow teacher directions for disposal

11 WHIMIS Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System Standard Across Canada Standard Across Canada Intended to maintain accountability for hazardous materials that can cause various health problems including cancer, rashes, burns, kidney and lung damage. Intended to maintain accountability for hazardous materials that can cause various health problems including cancer, rashes, burns, kidney and lung damage. Important to know the symbols Important to know the symbols


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