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Power of Concentration. No matter how long you sit with open eyes looking at the open book, hardly anything is registered in your brain unless you make.

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Presentation on theme: "Power of Concentration. No matter how long you sit with open eyes looking at the open book, hardly anything is registered in your brain unless you make."— Presentation transcript:

1 Power of Concentration

2 No matter how long you sit with open eyes looking at the open book, hardly anything is registered in your brain unless you make meaning out of the text.

3 Concentration is the process of selecting certain inputs for inclusion in the focus of experience. Whenever an individual tries to focus his concentration on an object, idea or text the process of attention divides the field of his experience into a focus and a margin.

4 While trying to concentrate, one tries to bring the information (e.g., a text) under focus of attention. While trying to focus your attention on relevant (text) material, you are filtering all other irrelevant, marginal and unwanted information to the margin. If you succeed in doing so you will definitely understand the (text or spoken) material and not complain about lack of concentration.

5 Strong Will-power is a necessary condition, especially for academically oriented subjects. The person of weak will would have spent all the evening in day dreaming, without doing anything to make his dreams come true. How about you? You might say "that's what I lack-will- power ……. I just can't bring myself to act ……"

6 What Is Intelligence ? Though there is no perfect way in which intelligence can be defined, psychologists have given emphasis on different aspects of intelligence. For example some place emphasis on ability to learn, others define intelligence as the ability to carry on logical thinking. And yet some other psychologists focus on ability to adjust or adaptation of individual to his total environment.

7 So friends! if someone has memorized a standard answer to the question asked and got more marks than you, it does not show that he is more intelligent than you. But yes, he has put efforts in memorizing for which he has been rewarded. Memory is definitely an asset and it also adds to intelligence.

8 As a matter of fact intelligence is just not one ability. Intelligence is a global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally, to deal effectively with environment. Therefore we observe that intelligence consists of number of abilities of an individual.

9 Then, how can your inability to answer some questions on mathematics or general knowledge make you less intelligent? The problem with most available cheap literature in the market is that in zeal of selling psychology quickly, they give wrong prescriptions to increase your intelligence quickly.

10 Alas! This is not possible. Intelligence is not something like weight that can be altered easily. But yes, by exposing yourself to 'enriched environment you can certainly improve your IQ by a few points. But certainly not by merely reading a book.

11 Psychologists have also distinguished Several kids of intelligence. There are three kind of intelligence: 1.Social Intelligence, 2.Concrete Intelligence 3.Abstract Intelligence.

12 Social intelligence involves the abilities to understand to deal with persons.

13 Concrete Intelligence Involves The Abilities To Understand And Deal With The Things (E.G., Scientific Appliances).

14 Abstract Intelligence Involves The Abilities To Understand And Deal With Verbal And Mathematical Symbols.

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