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Registration and Alignment Speaker: Liuyu 07.12.10.

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Presentation on theme: "Registration and Alignment Speaker: Liuyu 07.12.10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Registration and Alignment Speaker: Liuyu 07.12.10

2 The goal Form a 3D model of an object: –Data acquisition –Registration between views –Integration of views ICP algorithm

3 References A Method for Registration of 3-D Shapes –Paul J. Besl, Member, IEEE, and Neil D. McKay –IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,1992

4 Mathematic Preliminaries Let t be the triangle defined by the three points The distance between and t : Let T = {t i } for i =1,… , N t,, then the distance between and T:

5 References Object Modeling by Registration of Multiply Range Images –Yang Chen and Gerard Medioni –Robotics and Automation, 1991, Proceedings –In Image and Visual Computer, 1992

6 Mathematic Preliminaries Point to Parametric Entity Distance – the parametric entity –let,use the Newton`s iteration method: Point to Implicit Entity Distance –Minimize the condition: –Update formula:

7 Mathematic Preliminaries Corresponding Point Set Registration –Let P = { p i } be a measured data, X be a model shape, C be the closest point operator: Y = C(P,X), where Y denote the resulting set of closest points.

8 Mathematic Preliminaries Corresponding Point Set Registration –The least squares registration (q, d) = φ (P,Y), where q is the registration state vector, and d is the mean square point matching error.

9 Get q The formulas to get q : –where is a unit rotation quaternion to generate the rotation matrix and is a translation vector. –Minimize the mean square objective function to get q : is 3*3 rotation matrix generated by

10 Get q corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue of the matrix : where is the cross-covariance matrix of P and X, The translation vector

11 Get d The mean square point matching error

12 ICP Algorithm Statement Input: the point set P = { p i } from the data shape and the model shape X( with N x supporting geometric primitives), a tolerance т Initialization of the iteration : P 0 = P, and k=0; then start the iteration: –Computer the closest points : Y k = C( P k, X )(cost:o( N p *logN x ) ) –Compute the registration : (q k,, d k ) = φ ( P k, Y k )(cost O( N p ) –Apply the registration : P k+1 = q k ( P 0 ) (cost: O( N p ) ) –Terminate the iteration when d k – d k+1 < т.

13 An Accelerated ICP Algorith For q is the angular tolerance For d : a linear approximation and a parabolic interpolant to the last three datas d1(v) = a1*v+b1; d2(v) = a2*v^2 + b2 *v + c2;

14 Resuts curve

15 Results triangular

16 Results triangular

17 Thank you!

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