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The United States Trade Representative  Is an agency within the Executive Office of the President  Approximately 200 people work at USTR  Negotiate.

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2 The United States Trade Representative  Is an agency within the Executive Office of the President  Approximately 200 people work at USTR  Negotiate the Trade Agreements that advance the President’s Trade Agenda  Responsible for monitoring our trading partners compliance  Ambassador Michael Froman is the United States Trade Representative, a Member of The President’s Cabinet

3 Today’s Discussion  How regulators comply with the WTO TBT Agreement and TBT Provisions in our FTAs.  How do regulators maintain a knowledge of the policy areas where understanding of how TBT disciplines are is advancing  Policy discussion such as the Triennial Review of the TBT Agreement  Findings in Dispute Settlement that advance our understanding of the Agreement  Practices of Other Members  How do regulators interact with each other, the trade agencies and the public to ensure compliance with the Agreements


5 TBT Committee  Meets three times a year in Geneva, Switzerland  Attended by all 170+ WTO Members.  Objectives  Advance policy discussions on key topics to implementing the agreement  Good Regulatory Practice; Regulatory Cooperation; Use of International Standards; Conformity Assessment Procedures; Inquiry Point Operations  Discuss specific trade concerns among Members  Two days of interventions, spanning 50-60 issues raised  As a regulator, one of my objectives is to comply, so my proposed regulation does not get discussed in the TBT Committee

6 STCs raised by Member, November 2015

7 Notification of Proposed Regulations to the TBT Committee  Mexico and the United States have good track records of “advanced TBT citizenship” when it comes to publishing our proposed regulations in our official publications (Federal Register/Diario Official).  Notify the TBT Committee of a proposed regulation.  Provide a copy of the proposed regulation for other WTO Members to review.  Identify any deviations from international standards.  Provide a 60-90 comment period.  Provide a “reasonable interval” for implementation of the final regulation (six months from the date of proposal).  Discuss the other Member comment upon request.

8 Important Aspects for Regulators  Notification to the TBT Committee  Allowing 6 months for comment and implementation  Taking account of the comments in the final regulation  Use of International Standards  Use of conformity assessment procedures  Mutual acceptance of data  Recognition of accreditation


10 Conclusions  Good Regulatory Practice  Continue to exchange information on GRP mechanisms.  Thematic Session on Regulatory Impact Assessment in March 2016.  Regulatory Cooperation  Factual information sharing on regulatory cooperation activities  Discuss elements of regulatory cooperation between Members  Thematic sessions on regulatory cooperation  June and November 2016  Energy Efficiency Standards and Food Labeling proposed or any other topic proposed by Members could be considered.

11 Conclusions  Conformity Assessment  Continue exchange of information in three areas:  Approaches to conformity assessment  Use of relevant conformity assessment standards  Recognition of Conformity Assessment Results  Exchange information to enhance regulator reliance on international or regional schemes for conformity assessment, including sectoral specific schemes.  Discuss approaches to the use of quality infrastructure as it facilitates trade with respect to standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures  Thematic discussion in March to discuss national or regional systems and regional trade agreements as they relate to RTAs.

12 Conclusions  Standards  Thematic session in June about referencing standards in regulation  Central Government and non-government standardizing bodies:  to publish their work plans on websites and notify the location to the ISO/IEC Information Center  Share information about the publication of a notice announcing the period for commenting on a draft standard.

13 Conclusions  Inquiry Point  Discuss the internal coordination of the handling of comments  Explore ways to improve their functioning, including through use of on-line tools  Prepare a guide on best practices for Inquiry Points for consideration of Members at the 8 th Special Meeting on Information Exchange, November 2016  Technical Assistance  Thematic Session on Technical Assistance November, 2016

14 Schedule of Thematic Sessions  March 2016  Regulatory Impact Assessment; Reliance on international or regional systems of regulatory cooperation, including sectoral schemes and in Regional Free Trade Agreements.  June 2016  Regulatory Cooperation between Members (Energy Efficiency) and how to use standards in technical regulations  November 2016  Technical Assistance, Regulatory Cooperation (potentially food labeling) and Information Exchange  Deliverable on Best Practices for Inquiry Points

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