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Command. RHS – SWC 2 Executing a command Executing a command appears simple at first, but many details to consider: –Who creates a command? –Who invokes.

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Presentation on theme: "Command. RHS – SWC 2 Executing a command Executing a command appears simple at first, but many details to consider: –Who creates a command? –Who invokes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Command

2 RHS – SWC 2 Executing a command Executing a command appears simple at first, but many details to consider: –Who creates a command? –Who invokes a command? –Who executes a command? –Who knows the details of the command?

3 RHS – SWC 3 Executing a command Details to consider (continued): –When should the command be executed? –Should the command return a value? –Should we be able to undo a command? –What about sets of commands?

4 RHS – SWC 4 Executing a command Parties involved in a command –Client: formulates the command –Invoker: sets the ”wheels in motion” for getting the command executed –Manager: receives the command from the invoker –Worker: Actually executes the command

5 RHS – SWC 5 Simple commands Simple execution of a command: –Client and Invoker are the same –Manager and Worker are the same –Everybody knows all details of the command –Command executed immediately by Worker –Command does not return a value –Command cannot be undone –Command stands alone

6 RHS – SWC 6 Simple commands Get a shave, now!! Sir, right away, sir!! Client and Invoker Manager and Worker

7 RHS – SWC 7 Simple commands A simple command is similar to a method call Not really any reason – or opportunity – for reducing coupling For more advanced systems, this is not flexible enough

8 RHS – SWC 8 Complex commands Consider how an order is processed in a restaurant –Customer: decides which menu item to order –Waiter: picks up orders from Customers, and brings them to the Kitchen manager –Kitchen manager: keeps track of incoming orders, and distributes them to Chefs –Chef: Prepares the order

9 RHS – SWC 9 Complex commands Customer Waiter Kitchen Manager Chef

10 RHS – SWC 10 Complex commands If the scheme for simple commands was used, customers should yell orders directly to chefs… System would break down quickly By turning commands into objects, we gain much more flexibility

11 RHS – SWC 11 Complex commands Using objects for command enables –Queueing of commands – we can postpone execution of a command –Undoing of commands –Logging of commands –Better separation of knowledge and responsibility – decoupling!

12 RHS – SWC 12 Complex commands A Customer in a restaurant decides which order to prepare – but does not care about the details of preparation The Waiter and Kitchen Manager do not really care about details either The Chef, however, must know all details Encapsulate what varies…

13 RHS – SWC 13 Complex commands In OO terms, we therefore need an interface for commands Interface for all commands is the same, but implemen- tation is of course specific for each command Command execute()

14 RHS – SWC 14 Complex commands Command execute() MakePancakes execute() MakeSteak execute() Contains all details about making pancakes

15 RHS – SWC 15 Complex commands Customer wants pancakes, so he creates a MakePancakes object Waiter takes order to Kitchen Manager, but only knows that it is a Command object (think numbers for an order…)

16 RHS – SWC 16 Complex commands Kitchen Manager can manage the object (queue it, etc.) but also only knows the interface When appropriate, the Kitchen Manager calls execute on the Command object Code in Command object is then executed (by a Chef)

17 RHS – SWC 17 Complex commands Customer Waiter Kitchen Manager Chef Command order = new MakePancakes(…); manager.send(order); order.execute(); // Do execute() for MakePancakes

18 RHS – SWC 18 The Command pattern Client InvokerManager Worker Command Concrete- Command

19 RHS – SWC 19 The Command pattern The Client can create specific commands The Invoker and Manager only knows the Command interface The Worker carries out the actual work defined in the command Further flexibility can be introduced by making a Worker interface

20 RHS – SWC 20 The Command pattern Worker action(Command c) ConcreteWorker action(Command c) Command setWorker(Worker w) execute() ConcreteCommand setWorker(Worker w) execute()

21 RHS – SWC 21 The Command pattern // Client code Worker w = new MergeSortWorker(); Command c = new SortBankAccounts(); c.setWorker(w); theInvoker.invokeCommand(c);... // Code from Command public void execute() { theWorker.action(this); }

22 RHS – SWC 22 Queueing of commands Queueing is used when immediate execution of a command cannot be guaranteed Command is executed when needed resources are available Queue of command is managed by the Manager

23 RHS – SWC 23 Queueing of commands Typical example of a ”producer/consumer” scenario, using threads: Command … Producer thread Consumer thread Consumer thread Consumer Thread(s) pus h pop

24 RHS – SWC 24 Undo of commands Is – in principle – very easy; just let concrete Command classes implement an undo method, which has the reverse effect of the execute method: public void execute() { light.On(); } public void undo() { light.Off(); }

25 RHS – SWC 25 Undo of commands Simple or complex command – the specific Command class always knows how to undo an action. Somebody (Manager?) must keep track of which action to undo…

26 RHS – SWC 26 Logging of commands Primary application is for crash recovery Add two new methods Store and Load to the Command interface. Store : Save the state of the command to disk Load : Load the state on the command into the command. Calling Execute() will now execute the reestablished command.

27 RHS – SWC 27 Logging of commands Could call Store as part of Execute, or at certain externally defined ”checkpoints”. Important use is for transactional proces- sing, where e.g. system crash must not change the execution of the command Z Z Z

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