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Click to edit Master subtitle style 6/19/12 PERFORMANCE ON PREDETERMINED OBJECTIVES 4th QUARTER REPORT (JANUARY 2012 TO MARCH 2012) 11 Presentation to.

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1 Click to edit Master subtitle style 6/19/12 PERFORMANCE ON PREDETERMINED OBJECTIVES 4th QUARTER REPORT (JANUARY 2012 TO MARCH 2012) 11 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training 13 June 2012

2 6/19/12 Presentation Outline 22 1. Background 2. Overview of the Organisational Environment 3. Notable Achievements per Programme - Human Resource Development, Planning and Monitoring Coordination -University Education -Vocational and Continuing Education and Training - Skills Development 1. Budget Performance

3 6/19/12 Background For the quarter ending March 2012: There were 190 pre-determined targets 115 (61% ) of the targets were achieved 38 (20%) of the targets were still in the implementation phase 37 (19%) of the targets could not be achieved 33

4 6/19/12 Overall performance for the quarter 44

5 6/19/1255 Overall performance for the quarter

6 6/19/12 66 Macro-organisational structure was approved and submitted to the Minister of Public Service and Administration for consultation. Feedback was received. The development of the Micro-structure commenced Out of 143 vacant positions identified as critical in 2011/2012, 114 (80%) were filled Resulting in the reduction of staff vacancy rate by 13% from 36% to 26% A Mass Induction Programme was launched for newly appointed staff Developed and approved 8 human resource policies and conducted workshops on the policies Developed and approved 6 policies relating to supply chain and logistical services. All above policies were tabled at the Departmental Bargaining Chamber for adoption Overview of the Organisational Environment

7 6/19/12 77 12 disciplinary cases were successfully dealt with, of which 3 led to dismissals and the rest are continuing The Human Resource and Employment Equity Plans were developed and approved 53 posts were evaluated during the period under review (including 44 QCTO posts) Communication activities include: Opportunities in the post school system Re-opening of post school institutions Ministerial Road Shows in KwaZulu Natal, Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and Mpumalanga Education Indaba in Nongoma Green Paper process Humanities and Social Sciences Conference Overview of the Organisational Environment

8 6/19/12 88 95% of queries from the Presidential Hotline were resolved. ICT strategy was developed and approved and ICT Governance Structures were approved SCM framework was developed All logistical support services were provided timeously despite capacity constraints The department increased the number of interns from 54 to 100, thereby contributing to youth development and job creation. Of these, 27 interns were retained on contract appointments Performance assessments of all staff below SMS level were finalised and performance bonuses were paid before 31 March 2012 Overview of the Organisational environment


10 6/19/12 1010 Programme 2: HRD, Planning and Monitoring Coordination 3 Information Management Framework documents have been developed and compiled into a consolidated information framework 2 Technical data interface file formats in xml developed and implemented on a web based system whereby the quarterly M&E data of FET Colleges is captured on line Public AET snap survey tool was developed and distributed to provinces. Public FET enrolment tool was also developed and distributed to colleges and data collated weekly National Career Guidance System Framework developed National Career advice and information portal specification for the career system was developed

11 6/19/12 1111 Facilitated the compilation of the 2012/13 Annual Performance Plan and has been approved by the Minister Provincial performance reports on FET and AET were compiled for 3rd quarter and approved Developed a research information repository Quarterly summary report for Outcome 5 completed for period ending 1 December 2011 Library partnerships with 23 University libraries Reports on IBSA and SADC meetings, bilaterals with countries in Africa and the ADEA Conference have been compiled and are available Programme 2: HRD, Planning and Monitoring Coordination

12 6/19/12 1212 Reports on all Middle-East engagements, bilateral commissions as well as participation in international annual conferences have been compiled A Matrix of all donor projects and funding negotiated by the Department has been compiled A report on the progress of the trilateral programmes has been compiled A report on relations with donors and project progress reports have been compiled Programme 2: HRD, Planning and Monitoring Coordination

13 6/19/12 1313 2 Internationalisation reports have been compiled (one for universities and one for SETAs) Database on collaborations with South-South, North-South and multilateral nations on issues of education and training has been developed A Social Inclusion, Equity and Transformation Unit has been established and Social Inclusion Policies Guideline approved Approved Higher Education Career Guidance and Information Services Plan Provided strategic support to inter-departmental initiatives related to youth, gender and disability on youth development and 3 reports compiled In order to coordinate social cohesion in the higher education and training system we have developed and approved advocacy plan with a calendar of events Programme 2: HRD, Planning and Monitoring Coordination

14 6/19/12  Promulgation of Further Education and Training Colleges Amendment Act, 2012 (Act 3 of 2012); and the assented on 27 March 2012 of the Skills Development Amendment Act, 2011 (Act 24 of 2011)  30 Agreements were drafted and scrutinised  13 Legal opinions were provided  Settlement of court cases, either in court or out of court. 19 Ongoing cases and one finalised  All requests for information and other human rights related matters were managed and responded to Programme 2: HRD, Planning and Monitoring Coordination

15 6/19/12 1515 A progress report on Ministerial Institutional Targets for 2010/2013 was compiled A Programme Qualification Mix (PQM) tracking System was approved and is functional Policy on Distance Education Provision in South Africa developed and approved by Minister for publication for public comment HEMIS Management Information was updated with 2010 student, staff and space data as well as 2011 student preliminary data Assessment of 23 Universities’ annual reports compiled and report submitted to the Minister Quarterly performance reports for the CHE, SAQA and NSFAS for period 1 August 2011 to 30 November 2011 analysed 23 reports on the usage of Earmarked Funds by universities compiled (site visits undertaken and funds transferred) Programme 3: University Education

16 6/19/12 1616 Report on the review of student housing published in the government gazette and launched by the Minister A total of 450 queries and complaints were received from the public, institutions, and the Presidential hotline and responded to Individual reports on the improved and efficient handling of the research output cycle by individual institutional research offices was compiled Final report on number of quality research publications by institutions published A Report on the implementation of HEAIDS Phase 2 Programme was compiled and an Implementation Plan for HEAIDS Phase 3 programme developed and implementation started Programme 3: University Education

17 6/19/12 1717 1 private higher education institution was registered in the 4th quarter 100% responses to public and provider requests for information and support regarding private higher education institutions A report on programmes offered for AET practitioners, higher education lecturers, and college lecturers, in order to inform planning and development of the sector was compiled A report on the Trends in School Teacher Education 2010/11 published 100 African languages first-year students have been granted full cost bursaries to study B Ed Foundation Phase in 2012 Programme 3: University Education

18 6/19/12 1818 Policy on minimum requirements for FET College lecturer qualifications selected from the HEQF was developed and ready for public comment A research paper to underpin the development of a policy on the minimum requirements for ECD practitioners has been developed 8 new teacher education programmes have been received and evaluated in the 4th quarter 7 776 Individual qualifications evaluated for employment in education Programme 3: University Education

19 6/19/12 1919 33 colleges received unqualified audit reports Standard Business Management System expanded to 4 more FET Colleges FET Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Framework developed A report on the implementation of the reviewed bargaining strategy was compiled Readiness Assessment Report on the implementation of National Norms and Standards for Funding Adult Learning Centres (NSF-ALC) was finalised A monitoring and compliance report on total student enrolments, total staff employed, graduation rates and degree of compliance was compiled A master list of private colleges registered as examination centres was developed Internal assessment guidelines developed - NC(V) programmes Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training

20 6/19/12 2020 A report on college implementation of ICASS guidelines was developed The average pass rate for NC(V) Mathematics, Mathematics Literacy and English improved by 41.3% from 27.1% in 2010 to 68.4% in 2011 50 Colleges have successfully implemented the DHET FET Colleges Bursary Scheme A total of 165 273 eligible students benefitted from the FET Colleges Bursary Scheme 25 Colleges implementing Phase II and III of the Student Support Services Framework A report on DHET participation in youth annual development initiatives was compiled 3 Project plans for FET development support with Terms of Reference were developed Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training

21 6/19/12 2121 Performance of learners on the GETC examinations improved by 59% A report on training interventions in seven provinces was compiled 50 colleges and examination centres were provided with examination material for April and June examination A database of approved and registered centres operating as examination centres was developed and updated 1 023 examiners and 400 moderators as well as 3 000 marking officials were appointed Timetables and instructions for examinations were published Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training

22 6/19/12 2222 A report on compliance to policy on the conduct of examinations as well as management of irregularities was compiled 45 Marking officials were trained and a report compiled 100% individual statements of results issued 475 quality assured question papers were printed and distributed to examination centres for NC(V) Level 2-4 - November and supplementary examinations 16 programmes and 34 subject NC(V) Level 2-4 ISATs were quality assured 12 AET GETC Level 4 quality assured SBAs for implementation in 2012 were distributed Programme 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training

23 6/19/12 2323 A report on the levy transfers to SETAs and NSF was compiled Approved ISOE framework and criteria A report on support provided to the QCTO (Transitional arrangement) was compiled All approved Service Level Agreements with SETAs were implemented Analysis report on the performance of SETAs was compiled The NSF received a progress report on the allocation and approval of funding for constituencies Best practice framework and criteria developed and approved 20 SETAs supported in finalising 2011/12 Sector Skills Plans Programme 5: Skills Development

24 6/19/12 2424 1723 candidates were assessed at INDLELA 6 assessment centres were supported on artisan development and assessment advice 2 FET campuses were assisted 4 Skills development providers assisted in preparation of accreditation audits to be conducted in collaboration with the QCTO, NAMB and P-SETA Capacity audits were conducted at 5 SETA accredited trade testing centres Programme 5: Skills Development


26 6/19/12 2626 BUDGET PERFORMANCE Programmes BudgetExpenditure Balance% Spent Final BudgetApr'11 - Jun'11 July'11 - Sept'11 Oct'11 - Dec'11 Jan'12 - Mar'12Total R'000 1: Administration 155 688 27 457 38 38039 27347 294152 404 3 28497.9% 2: HRD, Planning and Monitoring Coordination 38 734 6 824 10 47511 1649 61138 07466098.3% 3: University Education23 428 99111 767 2206 443 3194 447 825769 99223 428 356635100% 4: Vocational and Continuing Education and Training4 545 4631 437 7611 086 3971 229 914786 7664 540 8384 62599.9% 5: Skills Development 130 638 20 457 38 705 17 38445 479122 0258 61393.4% Total: Voted Funds28 299 51413 259 7197 617 276 5 745 5601 659 14228 281 69717 81799.9% Direct Charges10 095 1131 648 0552 443 146 3 244 9142 689 13610 025 25169 86299.3% Total: Department of Higher Education and Training38 394 62714 907 77410 060 422 8 990 4744 348 27838 306 94887 67999.8%

27 6/19/12 2727 ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Final Appropriation R’000 Actual Expenditure R’000 Deviation R’000 Compensation of Employees 310 168305 5984 570 Goods and Services 159 166155 1654 001 Transfers to Provinces (mainly for the FET Colleges Conditional Grant) 4 375 311 - Transfers to Public Entities 14 177 15814 107 29569 863 Transfers to Universities 19 354 159 - Foreign governments and international organisations 2 4432 37964 Other transfers 3 2453 2405 Payments for capital assets 12 9773 7059 272 Payments for financial assets (Thefts and Losses – Old DoE debt) -96(96) Total38 394 62738 306 94887 679 Expenditure per economic classification

28 6/19/12 2828 BUDGET PERFORMANCE …Cnt The Department’s overall expenditure excluding Direct Charges as at 31 March 2012 amounted to R28.282 billion which is 99.9% of the allocation Approval was obtained to do virement with an aim of addressing spending pressures between programmes which was in accordance with treasury guidelines A large amount had to be shifted to the provision for examiners and moderators to ensure that claims for the FET and AET examinations could be honoured Underspending is mainly due to:  The slow filling of vacancies and concomitant underspending on machinery and equipment  Delays with the upgrading of the Indlela security system due to the consultations required as a result of the nature of the system  Direct charges were not transferred in full due to differences between SARS and Employer data that are still being resolved

29 6/19/12 Thank You

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