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Market Facilitation The Strategic Context Christina Naismith, JSC Programme Manager, JIT 6 th August 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Market Facilitation The Strategic Context Christina Naismith, JSC Programme Manager, JIT 6 th August 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Market Facilitation The Strategic Context Christina Naismith, JSC Programme Manager, JIT 6 th August 2013

2 Joint Strategic Commissioning Health and social care planning increasingly complex and challenging Increasing expectations Demography Personal outcomes Tightening public finances SDS – choice and control Personalisation

3 Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Bill >HBs and LAs required to establish integrated partnership arrangements >Integration Plan >Strategic (Commissioning) Plan >National outcomes for health and wellbeing >Locality Planning

4 Review of Older People JSC Plans >Real progress made in planning processes and analysis of needs BUT further development needed in: >Commissioning for outcomes >Partnership working >Information and analysis – including market analysis >Locality planning

5 What is market facilitation? “Based on a good understanding of need and demand, market facilitation is the process by which strategic commissioners ensure there is diverse, appropriate and affordable provision available to meet needs and deliver effective outcomes both now and in the future.” (NMDF, Think Local, Think Personal Partnership)

6 Understanding need and demand >Joint strategic needs assessments >Understand consumer preferences >What approaches work best, with whom and when? >What situations might deteriorate and lead to poor outcomes? >Where might interventions best be targeted?

7 Diverse, appropriate & affordable >Diverse may mean: A choice of providers A choice of different services from one provider >Appropraie may have a whole range of interpreations >Affordable is not at any price but should not = lowest price

8 Deliver effective outcomes >Substantial work required to move from a clearer articulation of different forms of outcomes – personal, service, process, strategic >Commissioning for outcomes and move away form cost and volume contracts

9 Now and in the future >Need to combine both short and long term strategic approaches >Day to day issues of supply & demand >Consistency of demand & price >Predictability of how the market will behave and longevity if new ideas are to mature and develop


11 Why is market facilitation important? >Crucial aspect of analysis in JSC >Involves ensuring a good understanding of demand and supply, a clear vision of what good looks like & outcomes it will achieve > Requires strong co-production approach – involvement and intelligence >Identify how partnerships intend to perform and behave in influencing the market including stimulating particular aspects

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