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Assessing Math Looking closer at PARCC Task Types 2.

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2 Assessing Math Looking closer at PARCC Task Types 2

3 Assessment……………………defined Assessment is the process of collecting and interpreting information that informs educators, students, and families about students’ progress in attaining the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors to be learned or acquired in school. (JCSEE, 2013) 3

4 Assessment in the Implementation Guide 4

5 5

6 PARCC Design 6  Claims: inferences we want to make about students  Evidence: gather evidence to support claims  Tasks: designed to elicit evidence from students to support claims. Claims. Evidence. Tasks

7 7

8 PARCC Task Types task types are describe on the basis of several factors most importantly, the purpose of the tasks in generating evidence for certain sub claims 8

9 Task Type 1 includes a balance of conceptual understanding, fluency, and application 9

10 Type 1 Task 10

11 Task Type II assesses expressing mathematical reasoning these tasks call for written arguments/justifications, critique of reasoning, or precision in mathematical statements 11

12 Type II Task 12

13 Task Type III assesses modeling and applications in a real-world context 13

14 Type III Task 14

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19 Instructional Uses of the Evidence Tables  To use in Vertical Alignment Conversations  To use to evaluate a curriculum’s Scope and Sequence  To recognize the transparency of PARCC assessment design  To see how the evidence tables, which lead to PARCC Assessment design, are tied to the standards and the language of the standards  To see ways to combine standards naturally when designing instructional tasks  To develop the stem for questions/tasks for instruction aligned with the standards  To determine and create instructional scaffolding (to think through which individual, simpler skills can be taught first to build to more complex skills)  To develop rubrics and scoring tools for classroom use 19

20 Using the Evidence Tables to Plan Lessons Step 1: Determine which of the evidence statements you want students to demonstrate. Step2: Create or find lessons and tasks that elicit that evidence. Step 3: Anticipate student misconceptions and develop quality follow up questions. Step 4: Address any misconceptions and help students find appropriate strategies to use to accurately answer all tasks related to the evidence statements. 20

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22 Lessons Learned from PARCC  Integrated Problems  Reasoning (Practice Standard 3)  Modeling (Practice Standard 4)  Multiple select  Multiple Parts 22

23 23 It all comes down to implementation!

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