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Animation with OpenGL Hsiao Chun-Tse 2007/03/27. I’ll present the simplest method to generate animation. Without much efforts, you can improve the system.

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Presentation on theme: "Animation with OpenGL Hsiao Chun-Tse 2007/03/27. I’ll present the simplest method to generate animation. Without much efforts, you can improve the system."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animation with OpenGL Hsiao Chun-Tse 2007/03/27

2 I’ll present the simplest method to generate animation. Without much efforts, you can improve the system much better.

3 Flow chart of animation Initialization Timer function Initialization : 1. Initialize OpenGL & GLUT 2. Load models. 3. Load animation file. Set Timer function : 1. Use glutTimerFunc() to set Timer function. Set Timer function Timer function : 1. Increase time counter. 2. load animation data of this time. 3. if there is another frame, use glutTimerFunc() again

4 glutTimerFunc Arguments  msecs : ms.  Func : Timer function pointer.  Value : argument pass to Timer funciton. Ex.  glutTimerFunc(5000, TimerFunc, 0); call TimerFunc(0) 5000 ms later.

5 Improve robot.c I’ll apply some changes to robot.c  Edit function. Record frame by frame.  Display function. Display frame by frame. All recorded frames will be saved in save.act. Of course, when we display animation, we load save.act for animation data.

6 Save Animation Parameters

7 What data should we save? Basically, we should save :  Arguments of model transformations. glTranslatef(), glScalef(), glRotatef()…  Argument of view transformation. gluLookAt() Other options :  Background color.  Display subtitles.

8 Saved data in robot.c We save 11 data members each frame…  Counter (t)  Shoulder translation (dx, dy, dz)  Shoulder rotation (sr)  Elbow rotation (er)  Finger rotation (fr00, fr01, fr10, fr11)  Eye position (eye) t dx dy dz sr er fr00 fr01 fr10 fr11 eye

9 Edit mode in robot.c When we press ‘o’ or ‘O’, enter edit mode. In edit mode, press ‘/’ for saving animation parameters in save.act. Press ‘o’ or ‘O’ again to leave edit mode.

10 Add following codes to keyboard() Add a new function EditMode().  Open save.act file. case 'o': case 'O': EditMode(); glutPostRedisplay(); break;

11 Add following codes to keyboard() Add SaveFrame() function  Save current animation parameters to file. case '/': SaveFrame(); break;

12 ‘o’ Edit modeAdjust model ‘/’ Save parameters ‘o’ Exit edit mode

13 Display animation.

14 Open the file ‘save.act’ Trigger TimeFunc() to display animation.

15 Add following codes to keyboard() Add DisplayMode() function.  Open ‘save.act’  Trigger TimerFunc() by glutTimerFunc(). case'=': DisplayMode(); glutPostRedisplay(); break;

16 TimerFunc Use fscanf() to load animation parameters. Draw the Frame. If EOF is not reached => trigger itself. If EOF is reached => stop.

17 ‘=‘ Display mode TimeFunc have data stop no data

18 Demo enhanced robot.c

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