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Starter Use the bar graph on page 78 in your books to answer the following questions: 1. What is the name of the graph? 2. Which two countries did the.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter Use the bar graph on page 78 in your books to answer the following questions: 1. What is the name of the graph? 2. Which two countries did the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter Use the bar graph on page 78 in your books to answer the following questions: 1. What is the name of the graph? 2. Which two countries did the most business with the US? 3. Why do you think these two countries were the US’s top trading partners? 4. How much money was exchanged with China? 5. How much money with Germany?

2 CHAPTER 3.1 World Population

3 TCAP STANDARDS 7.3.4 Distinguish the differences among rural, suburban, and urban communities. 7.3.8 Define demographic concepts (i.e., population, population distribution, population density, growth rate, family size, and infant mortality). 7.5.2 Identify reasons why people choose to settle in different places (i.e., occupation, family, climate, and natural resources).

4 Population Growth— Our world population grown from 1 billlion in 1800 to almost 7 million in 2007 after staying the same for more than 1500 years

5 Population Growth: Main Idea:  The world’s population has increased rapidly in the past two centuries, and this has created many new challenges for our world.

6 Population Growth: CAUSES One reason for rising population is a decline in the death rate— the number of people our of every 1,000 who die in a year. Why? Better Living Conditions Another reason is a higher birthrate—the number of people born per 1000 people.

7 Growth Rate Growth Rate %

8 Population Growth: Effects 1. More people = Need more food a. Famine– Mass starvation due to lack of food 2. Need more water 3. Need more land and houses 4. Need more jobs and money 5. Use up resources more quickly 6. Pollution and Global Warming

9 Population Growth problems Famine- Lack of food War Lack of clean water Lack of jobs Lack of housing

10 Mo’ People = Mo’ Problems


12 Population Distribution 30 % of Earth is Land and only half of that is usable to humans Population Distribution– how people are spread out around the world and in their communities


14 3 Major Types of Communities 1. Urban Communities 2. Suburban Communities 3. Rural Communities


16 Population Density Population Density– the average number of people living in a square mile Population Density can be examined in a variety of ways:


18 Population Density and Urban Areas

19 POPULATION MOVEMENT The biggest trend in the movement of people on our earth over the past 200 years has been the process of URBANIZATION. So….what is urbanization?


21 Urbanization People move in lots of different ways, but the biggest trend has been the move into cities Urbanization– the mass movement of people into urban areas Cause of Urbanization: JOBS!!!!!!!!!!! Nearly half of the world’s population lives in cities.


23 Other Forms of Population Movement Sometimes people emigrate ( or move) from one country to another They are called emigrants in their homeland, and immigrants in their new country. Why do people choose to emigrate?  PUSH PULL THEORY!!!

24 Why do people settle in different places? (THESE ARE “PULLS”) 1. Occupation 2. Family 3. Climate 4. Natural resources

25 PUSHES 1. Sometimes people are forced to leave their country and they are called refugees. 2. Reasons refugees must leave: 1. Famine 2. Wars 3. Natural Disasters

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