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1 -nucleus -cytoplasm -nucleolus-cytoskeleton -cell membrane-vacuole -mitochondria-chloroplast -golgi Apparatus-centrioles -lysosomes-ribosomes -endoplasmic.

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Presentation on theme: "1 -nucleus -cytoplasm -nucleolus-cytoskeleton -cell membrane-vacuole -mitochondria-chloroplast -golgi Apparatus-centrioles -lysosomes-ribosomes -endoplasmic."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 -nucleus -cytoplasm -nucleolus-cytoskeleton -cell membrane-vacuole -mitochondria-chloroplast -golgi Apparatus-centrioles -lysosomes-ribosomes -endoplasmic reticulum(ER) *Rough ER & Smooth ER

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3 3 Nucleus

4 4  The “brain” of the cell  Controls all of the cellular activities  DNA is inside the nucleus

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7 7  The dark area in the nucleus  Like a tiny nucleus inside the nucleus.

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9 9 CELL MEMBRANE  holds the cell together  keeps all of the pieces (like the organelles and the cytoplasm) inside the cell  controls what goes in and out of the cell Example:like a big plastic bag with tiny holes in it

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11 11 MitochondriaMitochondria  Mito = Mighty / Power  The Power-House of the cell  They break down food molecules so the cell has the energy to live  If a cell needs a lot of energy…it will have more mitochondria

12 12 MATRIX: a fluid that has water and proteins all mixed together (like a solution) The proteins take the food molecules in and combine them with Oxygen to release the energy

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14 14 Endoplasmic Reticulum  also known as the “ER”  made up of membranes  There are two different Smooth ER Main function is to collect, maintain & transport things Shaped slightly tubular Creates steroids Stores Ions for the cell to keep nutrients balanced Rough ER

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17 17 GOLGI APPARATUS WHAT DOES IT DO? 1) it takes simple molecules and combines them to make larger molecules. 2) takes those larger molecules and puts them into packs called GOLGI VESICLES Also called the Golgi Complex It is made up of a stack of flattened out sacs …like a loose stack of pancakes

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19 19 LYSOSOMES (primarily animal) The enzymes in the lysosome bond to food & digest it (acidic interior) Then…smaller molecules are released which are absorbed by the mitochondria When an organelle no longer works, the lysosome will attach itself to it and break it down like food (kind of like a cannibal) Lysosomes can also destroy the cell if it breaks open accidentally

20 20 cytoplasm

21 21 CYTOPLASM Protoplasm- everything inside the cell membrane Cytoplasm- everything inside the cell membrane & outside of the nucleus except the cell’s nucleus

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23 23 CYTOSKELETON Chief functions include: –movement of material through the cell for stuff not diffusion or osmosis –maintaining the shape of the cell – keeping the cell from getting smashed

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25 25 VACUOLE Vacuoles are “bubbles” that float in the cell Vacuoles are more important to the survival of plant cells than they are to animal cells

26 26 VACUOLE: STORAGE IN PLANT CELLS Vacuoles in plants support structure Vacuoles hold onto things that the cell might need…like a backpack There are some vacuoles that hold onto waste products, similar to having a big septic tank Storing waste products protects the cell from contamination

27 27 You will know that a plant's vacuoles are shrinking when you see the plant begin to droop over HOLDING UP THE WALLS

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29 29 the site of photosynthesis in eukaryotic cells disk-like structures composed of a single membrane surrounding a fluid containing stacks of membranous disks Chloroplast

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31 31 found in most eukaryotic cells, though it is absent in higher plants and most fungi. play a role in cell division. Centrioles

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