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PERSUASION The deliberate attempt to influence the attitudes or behavior of another person in a situation in which that person has some freedom of choice.

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Presentation on theme: "PERSUASION The deliberate attempt to influence the attitudes or behavior of another person in a situation in which that person has some freedom of choice."— Presentation transcript:

1 PERSUASION The deliberate attempt to influence the attitudes or behavior of another person in a situation in which that person has some freedom of choice

2 The Reciprocity Norm and Compliance We feel obliged to return favors, even those we did not want in the first place –opposite of foot-in-the-door –salesperson gives something to customer with idea that they will feel compelled to give something back (buying the product) –even if person did not wish for favor in the first place

3 Other Persuasive Techniques that use the Rule of Reciprocity Door-in-the-Face – Make a large request you know they will say no to and then follow with smaller request. That’s-Not-All – Make an offer but before it can be accepted you throw in something extra to make it even more attractive

4 Rule of Commitment Once you make a public commitment, it applies pressure to you to stay consistent with your earlier commitment.

5 Sales Techniques and Cognitive Dissonance Foot-in-the-door technique –ask for something small at first, then hit customer with larger request later –small request has paved the way to compliance with the larger request –cognitive dissonance results if person has already granted a request for one thing, then refuses to give the larger item

6 Influence of Others’ Requests “Compliance” Four-Walls Technique question customer in such a way that gets answers consistent with the idea that they need to own object feeling of cognitive dissonance results if person chooses not to buy this thing that they “need”

7 Low-Ball Technique Persuader gets you to commit to a low-ball offer they have no intention of keeping. After you commit, they later tell you can’t do it for that price. Since you have already committed, it is hard to say no to the new higher price demand.

8 Defense against Persuasion Techniques Sleep on it—don’t act on something right away Play devil’s advocate—think of all the reasons you shouldn’t buy the product or comply with the request Pay attention to your gut feelings—if you feel pressured, you probably are

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