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Latin American Revolutions. BELLWORK  Please find your assigned group and take out the two white documents.

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Presentation on theme: "Latin American Revolutions. BELLWORK  Please find your assigned group and take out the two white documents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Latin American Revolutions

2 BELLWORK  Please find your assigned group and take out the two white documents.

3 Task 1 (20-25 minutes)  With your expert groups:  Then, complete your expert group section of the notes using the documents.

4 Bellwork  Please sit with your collaborative groups, NOT your groups from yesterday. These groups are 1-12. To find your seat, look for the PINK post-it note with your number on it.  Take out your graphic organizers.  Current Event Presenter – PREPARE!

5 Task 2 (20-25 minutes)  Regroup into your collaborative groups (#s 1-12)  In your groups:  Complete the rest of your graphic organizers (10 minutes)  Complete a Triple Bubble Map comparing all three revolutions. You should have 3-5 examples for each part of the graphic organizer.  Finally, answer the following question on your poster: How do Latin American Revolutions impact your daily life? Why do they matter?

6 BELLWORK  Please take a seat in a group of three. DO NOT move the furniture. Take out your graphic organizers and pie chart from yesterday.

7 Final Task  Complete a Triple Bubble Map comparing all three revolutions. You should have 3-5 examples for each part of the graphic organizer.  Finally, answer the following question on your poster: How do Latin American Revolutions impact your daily life? Why do they matter?

8 Bellwork  Please take out your Latin American Revolutions note booklets from last week. Next, send a representative from your group to grab your group’s poster/Triple Bubble Map.

9 Haitian Revolution  1. 1791-1804; anti-slavery/anti-colonial; influenced by the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.  2. Toussaint L’Ouverture vs French  3. 1791 - Massive black insurgency turned violent; 1803 – defeated the French at the Battle of Vertieres  4. 1 st American independent/free state

10 Mexican Revolution  1. 1810-1821; inequality of races/classes  2. Miguel Hidalgo vs Spain  3. Hidalgo Revolt (1810-1815); Insurgency (1815-1821)  4. Mexican independence from Spain

11 Venezuelan Revolution  1. 1810-1823; inequality; Spanish oppression; Napoleonic Wars weakened Spanish Empire  2. Simon Bolivar vs Spain  3. Series of losses/victories before Venezuela established lasting independence  4. Gained independence from Spain, led to the establishment of Columbia, Panama and Equator.

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