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Published byAdela Black Modified over 9 years ago
CLAS12 Initial Physics Program at the JLab 12 GeV Upgrade
Volker Burkert Jefferson Lab 1st European CLAS12 Workshop, Feb. 25 – 28, Genova, Italia
Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
JLab Upgrade to 12 GeV JLab Upgrade to 6 GeV Add new hall CHL-2 A major focus of hadron physics with electromagnetic probes is the determination of new multi-dimensional parton distribution functions in a large kinematics range. This requires experiments at high luminosity and at sufficiently high energy. For this the existing accelerator will be equipped with accelerating superconducting RF cavities with much higher gradients. The additional 5 cryo modules will provide the same energy boost as the 20 existing ones. In addition some of the lower gradient cryo modules will be refurbished Enhance equipment in existing halls 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
New Capabilities in Halls A, B, & C, and a New Hall D
9 GeV tagged polarized photons and a 4 hermetic detector D Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) at high luminosity and forward angles C B CLAS12 high luminosity, large acceptance. High Resolution Spectrometer (HRS) Pair, and specialized large installation experiments A A new Hall will be constructed to house the GlueX detector, that will conduct a search for excited mesons with gluonic components, and the existing Halls will be upgraded with new equipment as well. Hall C will have an additional super high momentum spectrometer. Hall A will retain the existing spectrometers and provide space for new specialized equipment to address a variety of physics topics. Hall B will house the CLAS12 detector which is the focus of this of workshop. At 12 GeV JLab will be ideal for precision studies at large Bjorken x. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
A Program at the Forefront of Hadron Physics
3D Structure of the Nucleon Structure - the new Frontier in Hadron Physics Nucleon GPDs and TMDs – exclusive and semi-inclusive processes with high precision Precision measurements of structure functions and forward parton distributions at high xB Elastic & Transition Form Factors at high momentum transfer Hadronization and Color Transparency Hadron Spectroscopy – heavy baryons, hybrid mesons Some of the topics to be addressed are – the 3D structure of the nucleon which is a new frontier of hadron physics. This requires measurements of GPDs and TMDs in deeply exclusive and semi-inclusive processes. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Central Detector Forward Detector GPDs & TMDs Nucleon Spin Structure N* Form Factors Baryon Spectroscopy Hadron Formation 2m 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
CLAS12 Institutions Institution Focus Area Arizona State University (US) Beamline, Tagging System Argonne National Laboratory (US) Cerenkov Counter California State University (US) Cerenkov Counters Catholic University of America (US) Software College of William & Mary (US) Calorimetry, Magnet Mapping Edinburgh University (UK) Software Fairfield University (US) Polarized Target Florida International University, Miami (US) Beamline/Moller polarimeter Glasgow University (UK) Central Detector, DAQ, Forward Tagger, RICH Grenoble University/IN2P3 (France) Central Detector Idaho State University (US) Drift chambers INFN –University Bari (Italy) tbd, interest in RICH INFN –University Catania (Italy) tbd INFN – Frascati and Fermi Center (Italy) Central Neutron Detector+ interest show in RICH INFN –University Ferrara (Italy) (will join in 2010) tbd, interest in RICH INFN – University Genoa (Italy) Central Neutron Detector+ interest in Forward Tagger INFN – ISS/Rome 1 (Italy) tbd, interest in RICH INFN – University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy) Central Neutron Detector+ HD target Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Russia) SC. Magnets, Simulations James Madison University (US) Calorimetry Kyungpook National University (Republic of Korea) CD TOF Los Alamos National Laboratory (US) Silicon Tracker Moscow State University, Skobeltsin Institute for Nuclear Physics (Russia) Software, SVT Moscow State University (High Energy Physics) (Russia) Silicon Tracker Norfolk State University (US) Preshower Calorimeter Ohio University (US) Preshower Calorimeter Orsay University/IN2P3 (France) Central Neutron Detector Old Dominion University (US) Drift Chambers Renselear Polytechnic Institute (US) Cerenkov Counters CEA Saclay (France) Central Tracker, Reconstruction software Temple University, Philadelphia (US) Cerenkov Counters Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (US) Project coordination & oversight University of Connecticut (US) Cerenkov Counters University of New Hampshire (US) Central Tracker, Offline Software University of Richmond (US) Offline Software University of South Carolina (US) Forward TOF University of Virginia (US) Beamline/Polarized Targets Yerevan Physics Institute (Armenia) Calorimetry 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
CLAS12 Central Detector Superconducting 5T Solenoid Magnet, 78cm ø warm bore. Central Time-of-Flight array (CTOF) Silicon Vertex Tracker Extension under development Tracking w/ Micromegas Neutron Detector 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
CLAS12 – Central Detector SVT, CTOF
SVT - Charged particle tracking in 5T field Vertex reconstruction ΔT < 60psec in CTOF for particle id Moller electron shield Polarized target operation ΔB/B < 10-4 in 3x5 cm cylinder around center CTOF 6 layers 8 layers SVT 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
CLAS12 – HT Cerenkov Counter & Tracking Chambers
DC’s IC Radiator gas: CO2 or Ar/Ne @ 1 atm π detection: p>4.9 GeV/c π rejection: >200 Mirror weight: < 200mg/cm2 DC: 36 layers iπ 3 regions, 6 sectors, 24,000 sense wires. IC: Calorimeter, 424 PbWO crystals 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
CLAS12 – PID & Calorimetry
FTOF Forward Carriage LTCC EC PCAL PCAL/EC: Electron, photon, neutron detection, high energy γ/π0 reconstruction. LTCC: Electron & pion separation. RICH: Needed for better Kaon id in some sectors. FTOF: Timing resolution ΔT<80ps 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
CLAS12 – Solenoid and Torus Magnets
The Torus and Solenoid magnets provide bending power for tracking with sufficient momentum resolution to allow exclusive processes to be identified. At forward angles the Torus field provides large integral Bdl while the solenoid provides tracking at large angles over a limited radial distance. The B-field transverse to the particle trajectory is approximately matched to the average particle momentum. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
CLAS12 Background Shielding Background at L=1032cm-2s-1, T = 150ns
tracking chamber H2 Target No Magnetic Field Another function of the solenoid magnet is to provide magnetic shielding for the tracking detectors. This shows a random events at 100 times lower luminosity without the solenoid field. Obviously detectors would be totally swamped with Moller electrons at full luminosity. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
CLAS12 Background Shielding Background at L=1035cm-2s-1, T = 150ns
Electrons Photons One random event 5 T Magnetic Field Turning on the solenoid field bundles up the Moller electrons, and adding a well-designed absorber pipe at forward angle ….. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
CLAS12 Background Shielding Background at L=1035cm-2s-1, T = 150ns
Electrons Photons Photons One Event One random event Shielding 5 T Magnetic Field and Shielding …will get rid of practically all Moller electrons before they can hit the tracking detectors. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
CLAS12 - Forward tracking in DC+SVT
The track obtained in the DC is extrapolated back to the last layer of the SVT. The algorithm then looks for a SVT track segment around this position (R=1cm) 3-4 times better 8-10 times better DC + SVT DC + SVT Large improvement of vertex determination 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
CLAS12 – Design Parameters
Forward Central Detector Detector Angular range Tracks 50 – – 1250 Photons – Resolution dp/p (%) < 5 GeV/c < 1.5 GeV/c dq (mr) < 1 < Df (mr) < 3 < 5 Photon detection Energy (MeV) > dq (mr) 1 GeV --- Neutron detection Neff < 0.7 (EC+PCAL) under development Particle ID e/p Full range --- p/p < 5 GeV/c < 1.25 GeV/c p/K < 2.5 GeV/c < 0.65 GeV/c K/p < 4 GeV/c < 1.0 GeV/c p0gg Full range --- hgg Full range --- L=1035cm-2s-1 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Initial Science Program
CLAS12 Physics Focus Approved experiments LOIs supported GPD’s & exclusive Processes 3 1 TMDs & SIDIS 4 Parton Distribution Function & DIS 2 Elastic & resonance form factors Hadronization & Color Transparency Baryon Spectroscopy Total 13 7 Approved experiments correspond to about 5 years of scheduled beam operation . 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
3D Nucleon Structure Frontier
by bx 3-D Scotty x 2-D Scotty x by Deeply Virtual Processes. GPDs & TMDs 1-D Scotty x probablity Calcium Water Carbon Much of the science program is about the 3D imaging of the nucleon. The nucleon is here represented by a living being. We can make 2D slices of Scotty and may see something like this. Of course, Scotty would no longer be able to function as a living being. In a 1-dimensional projection Scotty would lose all its resemblance with the original, and we may just be able to characterize the chemical composition (or flavor) as a function of x. However, we would not know where in transverse space the molecules are distributed and how they are held together. Yet , this analogy is not so far from how we have studied the proton’s composition in the past. The PDFs measured in deep inclusive scattering represent a one-dimensional projection of the real proton possibly with a flavor tag on it, i.e. u-quark or d-quark distribution function. To restore the 2-and 3-dimenional representation we need to measure processes that are sensitive to the GPDs and TMDs, i.e. deeply exclusive and semi-inclusive processes. Deep Inelastic Scattering & Forward Parton Distribution Functions. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Access to GPDs - Handbag Mechanism GPDs depend on 3 variables, e.g. E(x, x, t). They probe the quark structure at the amplitude level. x Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) t x+x x-x hard vertices g x – longitudinal quark momentum fraction 2x – longitudinal momentum transfer xB 2-xB x = The basic process in accessing the proton structure through exclusive processes is the “handbag” mechanism. Here shown for the DVCS process. The important aspects is that we have hard scattering vertices here and here and the soft part is described by the GPDs. The upper and lower part factorize which allow us to probe GPDs in hard scattering processes with photons. There are 4 GPDs which depend on 3 kinematics quantities: the quark longitudinal momentum fraction x, the longitudinal momentum transfer to the quark xi and the 4-momentum transfer to the proton. What is the physical content of the GPDs ? –t – Fourier conjugate to transverse impact parameter What is the physical content of GPDs? => talk by M. Vanderhaeghen 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Physical content of GPD E & H
Nucleon matrix element of the Energy-Momentum Tensor of QCD contains three scalar form factors (R. Pagels, 1965) and can be written as (X. Ji, 1997): M2(t) : Mass distribution inside the nucleon J (t) : Angular momentum distribution d1(t) : Forces and pressure distribution Directly measured in elastic Graviton scattering. GPDs are related to these form factors through 2nd moments The nucleon matrix element of the energy-momentum tensor is known to contain 3 form factors (R. Pagels, 1965). For a long time they were of little interest as the only known process where they could be directly measured is elastic scattering of gravitons off the nucleon. However, these form factors appear as moments of the unpolarized GPDs as shown here. The quark angular momentum in the nucleon is given by the 2nd moment of the sum of GPD H and E. The mass and pressure distribution of the quarks are given by the 2nd moment of H where the pressure is probed by parameter xi. t=0: Ji’s Angular Momentum Sum Rule To determine J(t) we need to measure the x and t dependence of GPDs. To separate M2(t) and d1(t) we need measurements at small and large ξ(xB). 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Deeply Virtual Exclusive Processes - Kinematics Coverage of the 12 GeV Upgrade H1, ZEUS H1, ZEUS 11 GeV 27 GeV 200 GeV 11 GeV JLab Upgrade 12 GeV COMPASS W = 2 GeV HERMES The kinematics range that can be covered in exclusive processes with high precision data is shown with this yellow area. This will be the only accelerator where the valence quark regime can be fully covered with high precision data. Study of high xB domain requires high luminosity 0.7 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
A path towards extracting of GPDs
2 + - - + + - = ξ ~ xB/(2-xB) k = t/4M2 LU ~ sin {F1H + ξ(F1+F2)H +kF2E}d ~ Polarized beam, unpolarized target: H(ξ,t) Kinematically suppressed Unpolarized beam, longitudinal target: UL ~ sin {F1H+ξ(F1+F2)(H +ξ/(1+ξ)E) -.. }d ~ Kinematically suppressed H(ξ,t) The most direct way of accessing GPDs is through polarization measurements. Using polarized electron beams we can measure the cross section difference for opposite electron helicities. The cross section difference depends on the 3 GPDs H, H-tilde, and E. The kinematical factors suppress the contributions of H-tilde and of E so that the beam spin asymmetry is dominated by GPD H. For longitudinally polarized target the asymmetry is dominated by H-tilde as H and E are kinematically suppressed at not too large xi giving access to H-tilde. With a transversely polarized target one has access to a combination of H and E. With these 3 measurements we are able to disentangle 3 GPDs H, E, H-tilde. Unpolarized beam, transverse target: UT ~ cossin(s-){k(F2H – F1E) + ….. }d Kinematically suppressed E(ξ,t) 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
A path towards the extraction of GPDs e p epg A = Ds 2s s+ - s- s+ + s- = Polarized electron beam DsLU~sinf{F1H+..}df The leading sin-phi term for each one of the azimuthal interference patters turns into one data point for the t-dependence at different x and Q2. Extract H(ξ,t) 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Projected extraction of GPD H at x = ξ
Projected results Spatial Image 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
DVCS/BH Longitudinal Target Asymmetry e p epg Longitudinally polarized target ~ DsUL~sinfIm{F1H+x(F1+F2)H...}df ~ Extract H(ξ,t) Similar data can be obtained with a longitudinally polarized targets. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
DVCS/BH Target Asymmetry e p epg Sample kinematics Q2=2.6 GeV2, xB = 0.25 Transverse polarized target DsUT ~ sin(f-fs)cosfIm{k1(F2H–F1E)+…} df And for completeness the asymmetry for transverse polarized targets. The asymmetries are highly sensitive to the u-qurak contributions to the proton spin. Extract E(ξ,t) (talk by M. Lowry on transverse target options) 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
The Promise of GPDs: 2-D & 3-D Images of the Proton
dX(x,b ) T uX(x,b ) Target polarization Flavor dipole Shift depends on (x,b ) M. Burkardt ∫ d2 (2)2 ei b Eq(x, ) T (x,b ) = Cat scan of the human brain Knowing GPDs we can construct slices of the proton similar to cat scans of the human brain. A Fourier transformation of GPD H & E to impact parameter space gives 2D slices of the transverse quark distributions at fixed momentum fraction x and measures she shift of the center of gravity of up and down quarks for a transversely polarized proton. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa 27
Transverse Momentum Distributions
CLAS12 (talk by M. Anselmino) TMDs are complementary to GPDs in that they allow to construct 3-D images of the nucleon in momentum space TMDs are connected to orbital angular momentum (OAM) in the nucleon wave function – for a TMD to be non-zero OAM must be present. TMDs can be studied in experiments measuring azimuthal asymmetries or moments. Several proposals have been accepted by PAC34 that propose to upgrade CLAS12 with Kaon id => talks by H. Avakian, M. Contalbrigo, P. Rossi. Transverse momentum distributions are complementary to GPDs In that they allow.. .. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
SIDIS on unpolarized protons.
CLAS12 In inclusive electroproduction of pions the diff. cross section has an azimuthal modulation. dσ/dΩ = σT + εσL + εσTTcos2Φ + [ε(1+ε)]1/2σLTcosΦ 4 <Q2< 5 GeV2 The cos2Φ moment of the azimuthal asymmetry gives access to the Boer-Mulders Function which measures the momentum distribution of transversely polarized quarks in unpolarized nucleons. … the graphs shows the projected uncertainties of the x and Pt dependences of the asymmetry for different pion flavors. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
SIDIS in double pol. asymmetry
CLAS12 Transverse momentum dependence of longitudinally polarized quarks in longitudinally polarized protons. M.Anselmino et al Phys.Rev.D74:074015,2006 The double polarization asymmetry is sensitive to difference in the KT distribution of quarks with spin orientation parallel and anti-parallel to proton spin. The Pt dependence of the double polarization asymmetry is sensitive to … Current data not sensitive enough to clearly identify the effect. CLAS12 has much more sensitivity and reaches higher PT 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
SIDIS on Long. Polarized Target
CLAS12 SIDIS on Long. Polarized Target The sin2Φ moment gives access to the Kotzinian-Mulders function which measures the momentum distribution of transversely polarized quarks in the longitudinally polarized nucleon. The sin2f moment is sensitive to spin-orbit correlations: the only leading twist azimuthal moment for longitudinally polarized target. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Proton Spin Puzzle ~ resolved ?
Proton Spin: ½ = ½ ΔΣq + ΔG +OAM ΔΣq = / /- 0.05 Recent results indicate that ΔG at x<0.1 is much smaller than what is needed to explain the “missing” spin. There may be significant ΔG at x > 0.1 which is accessible at 12 GeV CLAS12 can significantly improve the accuracy of the Q2 dependence of g1(x,Q2) at x>0.05 with precise double polarization data to determine ΔG(x) from QCD evolution equations. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Valence spin structure function
CLAS12 Valence spin structure function Deuteron Proton W > 2; Q2 > 1 Accurate measurement of Q2 dependence is key for extraction of ΔG(x) 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
The Polarized Glue CLAS12 Gluon Polarization ΔG derived from QCD evolution of g1(x,Q2). LSS estimate of uncertainties in ΔG when projected CLAS12 data are included in fit. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Valence Quark Distribution d/u
CLAS12 Valence Quark Distribution d/u There is large uncertainty in the ratio d/u of down and up quark distributions at large x, due to large effects of nuclear wave function. This can be significantly improved by performing the measurement at kinematics where nuclear effects are under control. en(ps) → epsX Measure spectator proton to tag scattering of “free” neutron with small FSI. => talks by S. Stepanyan, K. Joo, on BONUS. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Neutron Magnetic Form Factor
CLAS12 At 12 GeV extend knowledge of magnetic structure of neutron to much shorter distances. Needed for constraints of GPDs at large t. => talk by P. Kroll. Does the neutron magnetic structure differ from the proton? For Q2 < 5 GeV2 GMn deviates by less than 10% from the dipole form which also describes GMp with similar accuracy and up to much higher Q2. CLAS12 can measure GMn simultaneously for Q2 ≤ 14 GeV2. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Charting the Dynamical Quark Mass
QCD predicts dynamical generation of the momentum-dependent quark mass resulting from the gluon dressing of the quark propagator. per dressed quark Measurement of N* electrocouplings at Q2<12 GeV2 will explore the transition from the fully dressed quark mass to almost bare current quarks.. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
N* 12 GeV Probe the transition from effective degrees of freedom to dynamical mass of dressed quarks. CLAS published CLAS preliminary CLAS12 projected 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Color transparency CLAS12 Color Transparency is a spectacular prediction of QCD: under the right conditions, nuclear matter will allow the transmission of hadrons with reduced attenuation Unexpected in a hadronic picture of strongly interacting matter, but straightforward in quark gluon basis. Small effects observed at lower energy. Expect significant effects at higher energy. CLAS12 projected eA→eρ0X 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
2007 NSAC Long Range Plan (4 recommendations)
We recommend the completion of the 12 GeV Upgrade at Jefferson Lab. - It will enable three-dimensional imaging of the nucleon, revealing hidden aspects of its internal dynamics. It will complete our understanding of the transition between the hadronic and quark/gluon descriptions of nuclei. It will test definitively the existence of exotic hadrons, long-predicted by QCD as arising from quark confinement. It will provide low-energy probes of physics beyond the Standard Model complementing anticipated measurements at the highest accessible energy scales. The importance of GPDs for the future of hadronic and nuclear physics was recognized last week by the NSAC Long Range Plan meeting in Galveston. The board gave the Jlab upgrade the highest recommendation and lists the 3-D imaging of the nucleon as the #1 program for the upgrade. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Summary The JLab Upgrade has well defined physics goals of fundamental importance for the future of hadron physics, addressing in new and revolutionary ways the quark and gluon structure of hadrons by accessing GPDs and TMDs mapping the valence quark structure of nucleons with high precision understanding hadronization processes extending nucleon form factors to short distances Design of accelerator and equipment upgrades are underway Construction started October 2008, major procurements underway Accelerator shutdown scheduled for 2012 => end of the 6 GeV program 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
This is a very exciting time for hadronic physics, and the perfect time for new collaborators to make significant contributions to the physics and equipment of CLAS12 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
CLAS12 Approved Experiments Proposal Contact Person Physics
Energy (GeV) PAC days Parallel Running Run Group days Comment E Gothe, Mokeev N* at high Q2 11 60 80 20 120 E (a) Sabatie DVCS pol. beam E Avakian ep→eπ+/-/0 X E Stoler DVMP in π0,η prod L/T separation 8.8 6.6 E (b) DVCS pol. target 50 5 175 Assume polarized experiments run 50% of time w/ reversed field E Kuhn Long. Spin Str. 82 E TMD SSA 103 E (b) Hafidi Partonic SIDIS E Spin-Orbit Corr. E Color Trans. ρ0 40 E Brooks Quark Hadronizat. E Bültman Neutron Str. Fn. cond. appr. E Gilfoyle Neutron mag. FF 56 26 007/008 need 26d reversed field E (a) E Contalbrigo Boer-Mulders w/ Kaons Total 1139 517 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Letters of Intent CLAS12 TITLE CONTACT PERSON HALL PAC Action LOI Lambda Polarization in the Target Fragmentation Region Avakian B Support LOI Tagged Neutron Structure Function in Deuterium with CLAS12 Kuhn LOI A detailed study of SIDIS pion production on unpolarized proton and deuteron targets with the CLAS12 detector Jiang LOI Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering on the Neutron with CLAS at 11 GeV Niccolai LOI Transverse Spin Effects in Kaon SIDIS w/ transversely polarized target LOI Unpolarized semi-inclusive pion production on deuteron and proton with CLAS12 Kalantarians LOI Production of Cascade and Ω- Baryons Starostin B/D support 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Kinematics for γp → K+K+Ξ-*→Ξ-π0
1 2 Strange baryon spectroscopy – Search for cascade states Fast Kaon Slow Kaon Direct reconstruction of Ξ+* with tracking in FST/BST of detached vertices, e.g Ξ- → Λπ-, Λ→ pπ- . Program will benefit from improved kaon identification. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
DVCS protons in Barrel SVT
CLAS12 epepγ Measurement of Generalized Parton Distributions Critical for tracking of recoil protons that occupy phase space at Lab angles greater than 35 degrees. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
SIDIS Kinematics at 11 GeV
The kinematics for SIDIS studies is similar to deep exclusive processes and covers a large x , Q2 and t range. 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
CLAS12 - Missing Mass Techniques ep → eL(pp-)X K K*(892) 2/25/09 Volker Burkert, CLAS12 Workshop, Genoa
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