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Journal: Try to put the following animals in at least 3 categories. Giraffe star fish preying mantis Cat fish beaver dog Frog snake lizard Toad mocking.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal: Try to put the following animals in at least 3 categories. Giraffe star fish preying mantis Cat fish beaver dog Frog snake lizard Toad mocking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal: Try to put the following animals in at least 3 categories. Giraffe star fish preying mantis Cat fish beaver dog Frog snake lizard Toad mocking bird robin Bear duck blue gill Crab fly Lady bug Carp elephant cat

2 How Do We Classify Animals? By Sonya Cameron

3 Things to look at Some animals are vertebrates: have backbone. Some are invertebrates : do not have a backbone. Are they warm blooded: the temperature of their blood does not change with environment. Are they cold blooded: The temperature of their blood changes.

4 Do they breath through lungs or gills? Where do they live? Do they have hair? What do they look like? What type of symmetry do they have? (Symmetry is matching pattern of body shape). How do they get their energy (what do they eat)?

5 Look at All the Different Animals How Can We Group Them?

6 Invertebrates Most animals are invertebrates: They have no back bone. Types of invertebrates: Cnidarians (jelly fish and coral) Cnidarians have a simple digestive system with a mouth. They also have radial symmetry (their parts repeat around a center). Echinoderms (star fish and sea cucumber) They have spiky skin and usually have suckers. Sponges (ocean animals with no tissues, organs, or body symmetry).

7 Arthropods: (Lobsters, crabs, and insects) They have a hard covering called an exoskeleton and bilateral symmetry (left side looks like right). Mollusks: (clams and oysters, squid, snail, and octopuses). They have soft bodies but some have shells. Worms

8 Vertebrates: Have backbones and include dogs, cats, humans, birds, alligators, and more.


10 Carnivore: Eats meat only Herbivore: Eats plants only Omnivore: Eats plants and meat Scavengers: Eat the remains of recently dead organisms

11 Predators and Prey Predators hunt other animals for food. Animals of Prey are animals that are hunted for food. Can you name some animals that are predators? Can you name some animals that are prey?


13 Scientists classify animals into six groups Mammals Reptiles Amphibians Birds Insects Fish

14 Mammals Have fur or hair Breathe with lungs Female mammals make milk for their babies

15 Examples of Mammals What others can you name?

16 Reptiles Have scaly skin Most reptiles lay eggs Live in dry or wet habitats

17 Examples of Reptiles

18 Amphibians Begin their lives in water Have smooth, moist skin Live in both water and land

19 Examples of Amphibians

20 Birds Only animals with feathers Have two wings and two legs Young hatches from eggs

21 Examples of Birds

22 Insects Have three body parts and six legs Have hard body coverings Young hatch from eggs

23 Examples of Insects

24 Fish Live in water Breathe with gills Have fins to move through water

25 Examples of Fish

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