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Developing Learning Objectives “Learning Objectives describe what participants will learn as a result of attending an education or training session.” How.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Learning Objectives “Learning Objectives describe what participants will learn as a result of attending an education or training session.” How."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Learning Objectives “Learning Objectives describe what participants will learn as a result of attending an education or training session.” How is this different from the Program Objectives we just worked on?

2 Categories of Learning Objectives Acquisition of Knowledge Enhancement of cognitive skills Development of psychomotor skills Strengthening of problem-solving and – finding skills Changes in attitudes, values, beliefs, and or feelings

3 Learning Objectives are useful for: Providing a focus and consistency for the design of instruction Guidelines for choosing course content and instructional methods A basis for evaluating (assessing) what participants have learned Directions for learners to help them organize their own learning

4 Elements of a Learning Objective Who The learner The learnerHow The action verb The action verbWhat The content The content

5 Selecting and Organizing Content What participants must know What participants should know What participants could know

6 Selecting Instructional Techniques Learning Objectives Instructors (their capabilities) Learners (their characteristics) Context (the setting)

7 Selecting Instructional Techniques Technique Characteristics Variety Transfer-of-learning Content Logistical Constraints Time

8 Instructional Resources Types of resources available Buying or making instructional resources

9 Instructional Assessment Different from Program Assessment Focuses on the learning of the individual participant Specific to the learning objectives identified for the program May be used as a form of Program Assessment, if properly formulated and utilized

10 Five Reasons to Assess To assess participants’ background, experience, and readiness for learning when they enter an activity or program To improve the instructional process and materials To ascertain whether the instructional event has actually produced the desired results To assist participants to be more effective learners To provide data for the overall program evaluation

11 Instructional Plans Exhibit 9.12 (page 194) You will need something of this sort…you choose the format…for the presentation of your case study on October 13 th.

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