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Narrator’s Point of View & Perspective. Who is the Narrator? The one who tells the story Who are the Characters? Everyone else in the story What is PERSPECTIVE?

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Presentation on theme: "Narrator’s Point of View & Perspective. Who is the Narrator? The one who tells the story Who are the Characters? Everyone else in the story What is PERSPECTIVE?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Narrator’s Point of View & Perspective

2 Who is the Narrator? The one who tells the story Who are the Characters? Everyone else in the story What is PERSPECTIVE? It is a character’s position in the story. What is POIINT OF VIEW? It is the narrator’s perspective in the story. There are 3 types of POV.

3 First-Person Narration The narrator is involved in the story. The Story Characters I or We the Narrator

4 First-Person POV tells “me” or “my” story. Example I went to the store with my friend. The clerk said, “Hi.” We bought candy and left. Who is telling the story? In First-Person the narrator is “I” or “we.”

5 Second-Person Narration The reader’s actions are narrated. The Story Characters (if any) You the Reader

6 Second-Person POV tells “your” story. Example You stayed up late last night and now you’re tired, but you need to pass this class. From whose perspective is the story told? In Second-Person the perspective of “you” is narrated. It is mainly used for instruction or directions.

7 Narrator Third-Person Narration The narrator is outside of the story. The Story Characters “He” “She” “They”

8 Third-Person POV tells “his” or “her” story. Also will refer to characters by name Example Chris loved basketball. Everyday he played after school. When it got dark, he watched it on TV. From whose perspective is the story told? In Third-Person the perspective of “he” or “she” is narrated.

9 Dialogue & Narration Dialogue = When characters speak. Narration = When the narrator speaks. I went home. My mom said, “Did you get out early?” I said, “No.” ONLY LOOK AT THE NARRATION, Or you’ll get confused.

10 Review 1 st Person = Narrator tells the story of “I” 2 nd Person = Narrator tells the story of “you” 3 rd Person = Tells the story of “he” or “she”

11 Pronoun Case First-PersonI, me, my, mine, we, us, ours, our Second-Personyou, your, yours Third-Personhe, she, her, they, them, their, theirs,his, hers (also character's names) We are trying to figure out the narrator's view point on the story. Perspectives and Signal Words

12 Let’s Practice 1. When I was four months old, my mother died suddenly and my father was left to look after me all by himself… I had no brothers or sisters. 2. The previous night, make your plans for the next day and write them down 3. Harold Davis took a deep breath and slowly started to peel the gauze from the wound on his grandmother’s leg. “Hold on, Grandma. I’m almost done,” He said quietly.

13 Third-Person Omniscient Narrator is all knowing. Narrator tells thoughts and feelings of more than one character. Omni = AllScient = Knowing Example Tim was mad at Shay. He blamed her. Shay knew Tim would be mad, but she wanted to live her life.

14 Third-Person Limited Narrator is limited to one character. Tells thoughts & feelings of one character Example Tim was mad at Shay. He blamed her. Shay just left without saying anything. She left a note and then left him.

15 Third-Person Objective Narrator does not reveal any character’s thoughts or feelings. Only character’s dialogue and actions are narrated. Example Tim slammed the door. He walked upstairs & read a note from Shay. He kicked her trash can & started crying.

16 Tips on Identifying Check 1st or 2nd-person before worrying about objective, limited, or omniscient. Ask, “Who’s story is the narrator telling: his, mine, or someone else’s?” Focus on narration not dialogue.

17 Let’s Practice 1. When I was four months old, my mother died suddenly and my father was left to look after me all by himself… I had no brothers or sisters. 2. The previous night, make your plans for the next day and write them down 3. Harold Davis took a deep breath and slowly started to peel the gauze from the wound on his grandmother’s leg. “Hold on, Grandma. I’m almost done,” He said quietly.

18 Let’s Practice 1. When I was four months old, my mother died suddenly and my father was left to look after me all by himself… I had no brothers or sisters. 2. The previous night, make your plans for the next day and write them down 3. Harold Davis took a deep breath and slowly started to peel the gauze from the wound on his grandmother’s leg. “Hold on, Grandma. I’m almost done,” He said quietly.

19 Harold Davis took a deep breath and slowly started to peel the gauze from the wound on his grandmother’s leg. “Hold on, Grandma. I’m almost done,” He said quietly. “Don’t worry, baby. It doesn’t hurt too much,” she quietly replied. “Just take your time.” He could tell she was in pain from the way she gripped the cushions, but still she managed to smile back at him.

20 Practice I will read ten paragraphs from ten books. You will determine whether the narrator’s perspective is first, second, or third-person in each text. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

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