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Standard Grade PE CREATIVITY. Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson you will; Be aware of the importance of creativity in activities Be able to.

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Presentation on theme: "Standard Grade PE CREATIVITY. Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson you will; Be aware of the importance of creativity in activities Be able to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standard Grade PE CREATIVITY

2 Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson you will; Be aware of the importance of creativity in activities Be able to give examples of creativity in different activities

3 Creativity Create a sequence of movements skills linking them to overcome a problem or meet a task or challenge, which could be unique or unexpected.

4 Creativity Being creative is an important part of ALL activities. In most activities you require creativity in order to find solutions to different problems.

5 Creativity In objective activities creativity can help gain an advantage over an opponent but does not award points. Example.…Cruyff turn

6 Creativity In this turn, the attacker quickly drags the ball back, catches the defender unaware and has TIME to cross the ball without pressure. The ‘Cruyff Turn’, in football, can help you gain an ATTACKING advantage and wrong foot an opponent.

7 Creativity There are many ways in which creativity can make a performance look better and aesthetic (meaning looking good.) In subjective activities points can be gained for showing creativity.

8 Creativity In many activities you are RE – CREATIVE as a performer. Many of the moves have been used before but you are using them in your own UNIQUE ways. When improvising creativitiy allows you to develop simple skills into more complex skills

9 Creativity In gymnastics floor events you use imagination and creative flair to ensure that SPACE is used effectively by covering all the parts of the floor space.

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