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Vocabulary Practice The coach ______ the team they could win, and they did. a)convincedconvinced b)handyhandy c)whirlwindwhirlwind d)mischiefmischief.

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2 Vocabulary Practice

3 The coach ______ the team they could win, and they did. a)convincedconvinced b)handyhandy c)whirlwindwhirlwind d)mischiefmischief Bifocals

4 convinced – verb – caused a person to believer or do something That is Correct

5 No Way

6 Riding the Ferris wheel makes me ______. a)whirlwindwhirlwind b)mischiefmischief c)hilarioushilarious d)dizzydizzy Franklin Stove

7 dizzy – adjective – having the feeling of spinning and being about to fall That is Correct

8 It’s amazing how many times a dictionary can come in ______. a)nowadaysnowadays b)independenceindependence c)convincedconvinced d)handyhandy Franklin’s kite experiment

9 handy – adjective – within reach, nearby, easy to use; come in handy That is Correct

10 . Keisha tells _______ jokes. a)handyhandy b)whirlwindwhirlwind c)mischiefmischief d)hilarioushilarious Lightning Rod

11 hilarious – adjective – very funny That is Correct

12 America gained its ________ from Great Britain. a)mischiefmischief b)independenceindependence c)dizzydizzy d)nowadaysnowadays Map of the Gulf Stream by Ben Franklin

13 independence – noun – freedom from the control of another or others That is Correct

14 The kittens were always getting into ________ when we weren’t home. a)predatorspredators b)dizzydizzy c)mischiefmischief d)independenceindependence Ben Franklin publisher of Poor Richard’s Almanac

15 mischief – noun – conduct that may seem playful but causes harm or trouble That is Correct

16 People hardly ever write with typewriters ________. a)dizzydizzy b)nowadaysnowadays c)independenceindependence d)convincedconvinced

17 nowadays – adverb – in the present time That is Correct

18 She moved quickly about the apartment, packing like a _______. a)independenceindependence b)convincedconvinced c)handyhandy d)whirlwindwhirlwind Ben Franklin at the France Court of King Louis XIV

19 whirlwind – noun – a whirling current of air that moves forward with great force; anything resembling a whirlwind That is Correct

20 A Susan Ging Lent Production

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