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Wednesday Sept 8th  Warm-up  Describe the movement at convergent, divergent and transform boundaries.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday Sept 8th  Warm-up  Describe the movement at convergent, divergent and transform boundaries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday Sept 8th  Warm-up  Describe the movement at convergent, divergent and transform boundaries.

2 Lab notebook  Label table of contents (title of blue page)  Draw in table just like the one on the blue page on next blank sheet

3 Demos  Beetles: 2 sponges 2 sponges 2 camo mats 2 camo mats  Lets start the demos!  Sponges first!  Mat and sponge second!  2 mats third!

4 Convergent Boundaries  Label table of contents: Convergent Boundary Notes  Cut out and glue in white sheet  Lets take notes!

5 Convergent Boundary  What kind of movement occurs?  What is a fault? Break in the rock of the crust where rock surfaces slip past each other. Break in the rock of the crust where rock surfaces slip past each other.  What type of fault occurs? Here are your choices: Here are your choices: NormalNormal ReverseReverse Strike SlipStrike Slip


7 Faults


9 Convergent  Reverse Faults occur Due to compression, hanging wall (hw) moves up and the foot wall (fw) moves down. Due to compression, hanging wall (hw) moves up and the foot wall (fw) moves down.  What are the two types of plates? Think back to the video…… Think back to the video…… Hint: One is land and one is water…. Hint: One is land and one is water…. Oceanic and Continental Oceanic and Continental  Using those two types of plates, what combinations of two can we make?

10 Convergent Plate Combinations  You are RIGHT! 3 combinations!  O-O (ocean – ocean)  O-C (ocean – continental)  C-C (continental – continental) What are the resulting land formations caused by these combinations?

11 Start with O-O  Land formations Trenches Trenches Island Volcanoes Island Volcanoes  Subduction DOES occur!!  EX: Marianas Trench

12 C-O  Land formations: Volcano Volcano Trenches Trenches  Subduction DOES occur

13 C-C  Land formations formed: Mountain Ranges Mountain Ranges Plateaus Plateaus  Subduction DOES NOT occur  EX: Himalayas

14 Questions  How do I know which plate is on top when two plates collide? We learned that this = LOVE We learned that this = LOVE Any guesses?? Any guesses?? YES!! The density of the plates determines which will be on top after a collision. YES!! The density of the plates determines which will be on top after a collision. More dense sinks More dense sinks Less dense goes on top Less dense goes on top

15 Questions  What is it called when one plate sinks beneath another and goes back down into the mantle? Subduction Subduction Occurs at only O-O or O-C NOT at C-C Occurs at only O-O or O-C NOT at C-C  Why do you think it only occurs at O-O or O-C? Think back to the slide before…. Think back to the slide before…. Ocean crust is more DENSE than continental Ocean crust is more DENSE than continental Thus it sinks beneath oceanic crust and continental crust. Thus it sinks beneath oceanic crust and continental crust.

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