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The dynamics of planetary atmospheres

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1 The dynamics of planetary atmospheres
Theoretical concept is formulated in the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics – the dynamics of stratified fluid on a rotating sphere

2 Hadley cell circulation Solar flux easterly (passat) flow tidal buldge
convective flow westerly jet

3 “Primitive” equations: fluid on a rotating sphere
momentum energy continuity eqn. of state modifications absolute vorticity Boussinesq approximation: everywhere but gravity

4 Spherical coordinate system:
z, w y, v x, u

5 Useful numbers Coriolis parameter -plane approximation Rossby parameter Rossby number

6 Adjustments equation of horizontal motion geostrophic approximaton hydrostatic approximation

7 Ro << 1 thermal wind equation
Opposite case: Ro >> 1 cyclostrophic approximation

8 Wave motion in the atmosphere
Elasticity sound Buoyancy gravity waves Coriolis force inertial waves Planetary-scale forced oscillations of any type are called tides

9 acoustic waves

10 gravity waves -potential temperature Brunt-Vajsala frequency
For non-vertically propagating waves, Group velocity

11 Rossby waves Search for the solution in form

12 Eliminating P and use incompressibility,

13 Solsticial circulation on Mars
Solar flux thermal tide westerly jet Rossby waves

14 Ls = 92, North hemisphere [kg/m2]
Water vapor column: Ls = 92, North hemisphere [kg/m2] 0 180

15 Ls = 113, North hemisphere [kg/m2]
Water vapor column: Ls = 113, North hemisphere [kg/m2] 0 180

16 Ls = 143, North hemisphere [kg/m2]
Water vapor column: Ls = 143, North hemisphere [kg/m2] 0 180

17 OMEGA observations of the residual seasonal frost around South pole
OMEGA observations of the residual seasonal frost around South pole. Ls = 236-243 1.5 m band depth

18 Ls=93-97 Ls=113-115 Ls=127-136

19 Cyclonic vortices Anticyclonic vortex

20 Venus case (symmetric mode)
multiple Hadley cells? VIRTIS image of the Southern Polar 5.0 µm convective flow thermal tide superrotation

21 VIRTIS image of the Southern Polar vortex @ 5.0 µm

22 Titan: another superrotating atmosphere
Mingalev et al., 2008

23 Vertical velocity on Titan: a signature of thermal tide
z=550 km

24 Giant planets zones belts

25 Hot spot

26 Polar vortex




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