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Presentation on theme: " Saving lives, changing minds. Medical response in sudden-onset emergencies IFRC CSR Forum – Southeast Asia 16 – 18 Sept I Bangkok."— Presentation transcript:

1 Saving lives, changing minds. Medical response in sudden-onset emergencies IFRC CSR Forum – Southeast Asia 16 – 18 Sept I Bangkok

2 Saving lives, changing minds. Coverage  Brief on IFRC emergency response units  Brief on foreign medical teams  Q & A  Next steps

3 Saving lives, changing minds. Local – global response National network of branches Trained health staff and volunteers CBHFA, ECV Local first aid and rescue teams Medical teams NDRT health Systems, assets Early warning National Network of national societies Trained staff and volunteers RDRT health Systems, assets DMIS link Regional RCRC Movement FACT health DREF ERU – BHC, Referral hospital DMIS Emergency appeal Emer. health kits Logistics Security Global

4 Saving lives, changing minds. IFRC global DM tools DREFDisaster response emergency fund EAEmergency appeals DMISDisaster management information system HeOpsHead of operations RDRT/ FACT Regional disaster response team/ Field assessment and coordination team ERU Emergency response units (field services and support functions)

5 Saving lives, changing minds. What is an ERU?  Package of trained people, standardised equipment modules  Developed, funded by National Societies, and fully self- sufficient on the ground; coordinated by secretariat  Deployed when local facilities are either destroyed, overwhelmed by needs or do not exist Agreed by host NS; based on needs assessment MOH of affected country agree on practise of medical practitioners in-country  Deployed in 24-72 hours; operational for a maximum of four months

6 Saving lives, changing minds. Water treatment and supply Water distribution and trucking Mass sanitation Types of ERU Rapid deployment hospital Basic health care Referral hospital HEALTH RELIEF LOGS IT / TEL BASE CAMP WAT/ SAN Food, non-food items, cash

7 Saving lives, changing minds. Health ERU and AP National Societies Providers Recipients  Australia RC (HR)  Hong Kong RC (HR)  Japan RC (complete)  China RC  Indonesia RC  Pakistan RC  Philippines RC  Sri Lanka RC NS with interest in medical response to regional disasters: Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand

8 Saving lives, changing minds. Critical considerations when setting up ERU  People Management and coordination Support services Responders  Equipment and supplies, warehouse  Systems/procedures – HR/training, deployment, warehousing, finance  Funds – build, deploy, replenish, maintain, further develop  Long-term commitment!

9 Saving lives, changing minds. What are foreign medical teams (FMT)?  Groups of health professionals and supporting staff outside their country of origin, aiming to provide health care to disaster affected populations  Provide basic – advanced healthcare based on international classification and minimum standards  During a limited period of time  In existing or temporary structures, with or without field hospitals. - Global Health Cluster/FMT Working Group

10 Saving lives, changing minds. Why FMT system? I NEED ONE DOCTOR! DISASTER AREA I NEED ONE DOCTOR! During normal timesWhen disaster happens

11 Saving lives, changing minds. Why FMT system?  Arrival without invitation  Lack of coordination and communication  Lack of professional standards of care, data collection and accountability  Unclear exit strategies  Late arrival

12 Saving lives, changing minds. Operationalising FMT  Classification system  Professional standards  On-site coordination and registration  Mechanism for authorising arriving teams  Global registry

13 Saving lives, changing minds. FMT classification FMT Type 1 Out-patient emergency care Triage, assessment and first aid Stabilisation, referral of severe trauma/non-trauma emergencies Care for minor trauma/non-trauma emergencies FMT Type 2 In-patient surgical emergency care In-patient acute care, general/obstetric surgery for trauma and major conditions Can do 7 major, 15 minor operations daily <20 inpatient beds per 1 operating table Operate 24/7 FMT Type 3 In-patient referral care Complex in-patient referral surgical, intensive care capacity 2> operating tables, <40 in-patient beds 15 major, 30 minor surgical cases daily

14 Saving lives, changing minds. FMT guiding principles  Safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable and patient- centered care  ‘Need based’ response – context and type of disaster  Human-rights based approach; accessible to all  Medically-ethical treatment manner  Accountability – patients, communities they assist, etc.  Integrated, coordinated response; under national lead agency

15 Saving lives, changing minds. FMT Minimum standards  Registration with authority, response coordination  Reporting – arrival, during response, prior to departure  Record keeping, inc treatment record for each patient  Professional guidelines – all staff registered in country of origin; staff expertise, experience; mentoring system; health, safety arrangements  Quality products and equipment  Self-sufficiency during deployment period  WatSan, medical waste management

16 Saving lives, changing minds. Our next steps  Engage NS governance on emergency response preparedness, Dec 2014  Organise zonal FMT meeting, Q1 2015  Engage AP NS with potential FMT capacities, agree on: Internal arrangements to meet standards, requirements Coordination mechanisms

17 Saving lives, changing minds. Questions, points for clarification? To improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilising the power of humanity Thank you for your attention!

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