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Arnold Bregt GRS21306 SDI course Geo-information and Ethics.

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Presentation on theme: "Arnold Bregt GRS21306 SDI course Geo-information and Ethics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arnold Bregt GRS21306 SDI course Geo-information and Ethics

2 1 Examples

3 Example 2

4 3

5 4

6 5 Contents What is Ethics? Ethics in Research Geo-information and Ethics What are the boundaries?

7 6 What is Ethics? Ethics is a branch of philosophy which seeks to address questions about morality. What is good and bad; right and wrong

8 7 Ethics Plays a key role in daily life and professions: Journalism Medicine Military Research and … Geo-information science

9 8 A few examples Can you give examples of “good and bad” or “right and wrong” in Science?

10 9 Case 1 You are a researcher and have conducted a research for a company with negative results for a product of a company What will you do?

11 10 Ethics in Research Code of Conduct for Scientific Practice: Scrupulousness Reliability Verifiability Impartiality Independence

12 11 Scrupulousness

13 12 Reliability

14 13 Verifiability

15 14 Impartiality

16 15 Independence

17 16 Geo-information and Ethics

18 17 Case - data You are asked to do analysis but you know the data is not good. What will you do?

19 18 Case - software You are offered copyright protected software from a friend What will you do?

20 19 Case - data You are offered a dataset with is copyright protected. What will you do?

21 20 Case - analysis You have performed a GI analysis for a governmental body. They do not like the conclusions What will you do?

22 21 GIS Ethics Source: Blakemore and Longhorn, 2004

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27 Thank you for your attention! Questions

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