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Bell Ringer Type 2Date Copy each sentence. Underline or Circle the subject of each sentence. 1.You and I are best friends! 2.My PCR book is lost. 3.The.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Type 2Date Copy each sentence. Underline or Circle the subject of each sentence. 1.You and I are best friends! 2.My PCR book is lost. 3.The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Type 2Date Copy each sentence. Underline or Circle the subject of each sentence. 1.You and I are best friends! 2.My PCR book is lost. 3.The slow, boring class dragged for hours. 4.Please don’t write on the desk. 5.Where is Jenna going?

2 The Cases of Nouns and Pronouns Subject Object Possessive

3 Subject: The noun or pronoun the sentence is about.

4 Practice 1. My sister read The Witch of Blackbird Pond. 2. The book was written by Elizabeth George Speare. 3. A young girl is the main character. 4. Kit lived a life of luxury. 5. Barbados is the island where she lived.

5 Subject Pronouns: Not all pronouns can be in the subject of a sentence Subject Pronouns I (S) We (P) You (S) You (P) He, she, it (S) They(P)

6 Pronouns in a compound subject: Must always follow the noun *Trick: Cover the noun before the pronoun and read the sentence. Which pronoun makes sense? Example: Beth and (she, her) went to the mall. Practice: Use the trick and circle the correct pronoun. 1. My brother and (I, me) like to watch Dancing with the Stars. 2. Joe and (he, him) play on the school team. 3. My partner and (I, me) worked hard to finish the project.

7 You Understood: Review In an imperative sentence, sometimes the subject is implied. The reader understands that the subject is you. Practice: Underline the subject of the sentence. Write “you” if the subject is implied. 1. My sisters and I are really close. 2. Please don’t forget to call her. 3. They went sledding on the snow day. 4. Did we ever get a call about that? 5. Go to your room and close the door!

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