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Basic Hydraulics: Rating curve. Definition & terminology Rating curve, also known as stage–discharge curve, is a graph showing the relation between the.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Hydraulics: Rating curve. Definition & terminology Rating curve, also known as stage–discharge curve, is a graph showing the relation between the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Hydraulics: Rating curve

2 Definition & terminology Rating curve, also known as stage–discharge curve, is a graph showing the relation between the water height (stage), and the volumetric flow-rate (discharge). Channels and hydraulic structures can have rating curves

3 Definition & terminology An accurate stage–discharge relationship is necessary for design to evaluate the interrelationships of flow characteristics (depth and discharge) The stage-discharge relationship also enables you to evaluate a range of conditions as opposed to a preselected design flow rate.


5 How Rating Curves are Constructed - I Record stage (depth) during an interesting runoff event Measure velocity across the channel (or structure) Compute discharge as produce of the flow area and velocity ADV Probe Cross Section – Measure V at different stations. Q=  VA Wading during flow Boat mounted for deeper/faster water

6 How Rating Curves are Constructed - II Stage and measured discharge recorded for several different flow events A curve is fitted to these event pairs, and that curve is the “Rating Curve”

7 Rating Curves for Hydraulic Structures Certain hydraulic structures force flow through critical depth, where the specific energy is a minimum. Knowledge that critical depth will occur along with geometry and an appropriate discharge coefficient produces an indirect measurement of discharge Weir equations Orifice equations Sluice gate equations

8 Weir flow Q weir Weir = obstruction in open channel over which water flows Flow over a weir directly related to water depth (head) upstream of weir (A rating curve!)

9 Sharp crested weir Discharge Coefficient (from tables, but derived from rated weirs) Width into the figure

10 For US units, weir discharge coefficient of C D = 3.3 commonly used Example: If upstream head is 1.2 ft above weir crest, and weir length (normal to the flow) is 8 ft, what is the flow over weir? Q = C D Lh 3/2 = 3.3(8)(1.2) 3/2 = 34.7 cfs Sharp crested weir flow calculation

11 Broad crested weir Equation for discharge is the same Head often measured to total energy line Discharge coefficient C D = 2.34 to 3.32

12 Broad crested weir discharge coefficients

13 Connecting rating curves to flood frequency curves

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