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What is electrical cogeneration and how does it work ? 11720123 Naoki Hashimoto.

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Presentation on theme: "What is electrical cogeneration and how does it work ? 11720123 Naoki Hashimoto."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is electrical cogeneration and how does it work ? 11720123 Naoki Hashimoto

2 What is cogeneration ? Fuel Power plant Heat Electricity Waste heat Lighting, Power Energy efficiency of thermal power generation is about 40%. In cogeneration method, energy efficiency are improved to 70 ~ 80%. effective utilization

3 How does it work ? Occurred heat by moving an engine is used as heating.

4 Introduction example Hotel Hospital Hot spring Snow-melting etc…

5 Conclusion Cogeneration system is not only the electric power but also the heat uses at the same time. This system has spread in over Japan.

6 Thank you for your attention !

7 References JGA ホームページ > ガスコージェネレーションシステム 新・?を!にするエネルギー講座


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