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Structure of Matter. Nucleons and quarks 1950’s: nucleons are not elementary 1960++: quark model and QCD (Nobel prize 2004) 2007++: Higgs particle discovered?

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Presentation on theme: "Structure of Matter. Nucleons and quarks 1950’s: nucleons are not elementary 1960++: quark model and QCD (Nobel prize 2004) 2007++: Higgs particle discovered?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Structure of Matter

2 Nucleons and quarks 1950’s: nucleons are not elementary 1960++: quark model and QCD (Nobel prize 2004) 2007++: Higgs particle discovered? (at LHC) have we understood the strong interaction?

3 How is the mass created? What is the role of quarks and gluons? Only few % of the hadronic mass can be explained by the Higgs Mechanism! No!!! There might be Experimental surprises! (flux tube animation by D. Leinweber et al.) Do other than 2, 3 quark objects exist?

4 Some Places to Explore Non-Pertubative QCD charmonium spectroscopy gluonic excitations (hybrids, glueballs)  -ray spectroscopy of hypernuclei

5 Charmonium Spectroscopy narrow states! many states and transitions not understood!! positronium of QCD! transition region between two limits: massless and heavy-quark!

6 hybrids: “ordinary” quark states containing excited glue Gluonic Excitations glueballs: gluonic states without valence quark contribution

7 Stranges s Neutron Number Extension of the Nuclear Chart We do not yet understand the interaction of normal matter with hyperon matter!

8 The PANDA experiment site within FAIR

9 beam interaction point solenoid dipole EM and hadron calorimeters target generator RICH drift or wire chambers TOF stop hypernuclei target and detectors muon counters 2m

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