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Twelve Angry Men Vocabulary. premeditated done deliberately; planned in advance: EX: a premeditated murder.

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Presentation on theme: "Twelve Angry Men Vocabulary. premeditated done deliberately; planned in advance: EX: a premeditated murder."— Presentation transcript:

1 Twelve Angry Men Vocabulary

2 premeditated done deliberately; planned in advance: EX: a premeditated murder

3 coroner an officer, as of a county or municipality, whose chief function is to investigate by inquest, as before a jury, any death not clearly resulting from natural causes does not have to be an MD

4 conceivable capable of being conceived; imaginable

5 defendant a person, company, etc., against whom a claim or charge is brought in a court

6 discrepancy difference; inconsistency; a conflict or variation, as between facts, figures, or claims

7 intimidate to make timid; fill with fear; to force into or deter from some action by inducing fear; to discourage, restrain, or silence illegally or unscrupulously, as by threats or blackmail intimidate

8 retire to withdraw, or go away or apart, to a place of privacy, shelter, or seclusion; to go to bed; to fall back or retreat in an orderly fashion; to withdraw or remove oneself;

9 prosecution the institution and carrying on of legal proceedings against a person; those who prosecute (as in a court of law); the act of prosecuting or the state of being prosecuted

10 farsighted seeing a great distance; wise, as in foreseeing future developments

11 writhe to twist the body about, or squirm, as in pain, violent effort, etc.; to twist or bend out of shape or position; distort; contort; to twist about, as in pain

12 alibi a defense by an accused person that he was elsewhere at the time the crime in question was committed; the evidence given to prove this; an excuse, esp. to avoid blame

13 motive the reason for a certain course of action, whether conscious or unconscious; the goal or object of a person's actions: EX: Her motive was revenge.

14 flat British - an apartment or suite of rooms on one floor forming a residence; US/Canadian - a set of rooms comprising a residence entirely on one floor of a building; New Zealand - a portion of a house used as separate living quarters

15 abstain to hold oneself back voluntarily to refrain from casting one's vote: EX: a decision in which two delegates abstained; to refrain from voting, esp in a committee

16 tenement Also called a tenement house; a run-down and often overcrowded apartment house, esp. in a poor section of a large city

17 EX: He retired to his study.

18 EX: She retired at midnight.

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