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NEXT GEN SAFE-T P25 UPGRADE Integrated Public Safety Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "NEXT GEN SAFE-T P25 UPGRADE Integrated Public Safety Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEXT GEN SAFE-T P25 UPGRADE Integrated Public Safety Commission

2 Today’s Agenda Background/History Pre-Cutover Checklist Anticipated Cutover Timeline Contact Information

3 IPSC Mission…

4 Hoosier Safe-T… Statewide 800 MHz Communications System Broken into 4 Zones Designed in 2000 Limited to 64,000 IDs Analog & Digital Capable Voice & Data Capable Statewide Coverage ( 153 Sites) 95% Mobile Coverage 95% Portable on street Coverage User/Agency participation is voluntary NO USER FEES FOR USE OF THE SYSTEM

5 Why change??? Manufacturing end dates occurred in 2013, and vendor contracted support will run out at the end of 2017. System “NOT" upgradeable. Repairable only as long as end of production parts are available. Maxed out system capacity. ( 64,000 ID’s) Thus local and state agencies may have to spend more to address their communications needs, negating the tremendous interoperability opportunities and savings the Safe-T system offers.

6 Hoosier Safe-T P25… Project 25 (P25 or APCO-25) is a suite of standards for digital radio communications for use by federal, state and local public safety agencies to enable communications with other agencies and mutual aid response teams in emergencies.

7 Hoosier Safe-T P25… Statewide 800MHz Communications system Broken into 2 Zones Complete Digital System Twice the user capacity (128,000 ID’s) Voice & Data Capable Statewide Coverage (153 Sites), Ability to add tower sites, thereby improving coverage Integration with neighboring States (Michigan, Ohio, Illinois) as well as the City of Louisville. Ability to purchase radios from multiple manufacturers, thereby ensuring cost competitiveness and more choice in products. User/Agency participation is voluntary NO USER FEES FOR USE OF THE SYSTEM

8 P25 Migration Phases… 6 Phases of P25 “Cutover” All 6 phases are built out by ISP Dispatch regions. Phase 1 > First Quarter, 2016 Subsequent phase cutover will occur approximately 2 months following the proceeding phase Current system & P25 system will NOT run parallel. Turn off current equipment > Turn on the new P25 equipment.

9 Today’s Agenda Background/History Pre-Cutover Checklist Anticipated Cutover Timeline Contact Information

10 Pre-Cutover Checklist TaskWhoComplete? Distribute radio inventoriesIPSC Verify radio inventoryLocal agencies Issue P25 IDs for verified radiosIPSC Train/Issue System Key to UsersIPSC (Phase 1)

11 Pre-Cutover Checklist TaskWhoComplete? Develop system user configurations IPSC Distribute Talkgroup IDsIPSC Develop Templates IPSC/ Motorola/EFJ Upgrade/Reprogram Radios Motorola/EFJ/ Local users

12 P25 by the numbers… Bartholomew1003 Clark1153 Dearborn585 Decatur238 Floyd691 Franklin135 Harrison176 Jackson563 Jefferson290 Jennings217 Ohio112 Ripley297 Scott136 Switzerland107 Washington132 PHASE 1 COUNTY RADIOS: 5837

13 P25 by the numbers… ABC230 ATG9 FSSA13 IDEM25 IDHS456 IDNR1760 IDOA128 IDOC2336 IGC18 ILEA17 INDOT3463 ING (Includes ONG)413 IPSC687 ISDH251 ISF46 ISFD15 ISP4389 FEDERAL AGENCIES 507 STATE/FEDERAL RADIOS: 14,763

14 P25 by the numbers… TOTAL Number of Radios in Phase 1: 20,600

15 P25 by the numbers… $34,000,000 - Cost of the upgrade and maintenance contract with Motorola – STATE FUNDED 20 Years – maintenance contract provides for biennial system upgrades, guaranteeing that state and local agencies will have access to latest technology and new features.

16 Pre-Cutover Checklist TaskWhoComplete? Build infrastructure equipment Motorola Stage equipmentMotorola/IPSC Deploy/install site equipmentMotorola/IPSC

17 Pre-Cutover Checklist TaskWhoComplete? Order connectivityIPSC Install connectivityAT&T Test connectivityMotorola Optimize systemMotorola

18 Pre-Cutover Checklist TaskWhoComplete? Create Cutover PlanUser Agencies Communicate Cutover DetailsIPSC

19 Your Cutover Plan ‐One document ‐Detailed task list – pre, during and post cutover ‐Stakeholders ‐Decision checkpoints ‐Detailed timing ‐Contact info/key players ‐WebEOC (**make sure you can log in**)

20 SYSTEM WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE Contingency Plan Options ‐NPSPAC ‐Use mobile data ‐Text & Cell ‐Legacy/backup systems ‐Central staging/dispatch point

21 Phase 1 Sites NPSPAC Sites Site#Site Name 38Floyds Knobs 40Henryville 41Madison 42Versailles 43Peppertown 45Seymour 49Patriot 502Fleenertown 503Rabbit Hash 524Corydon 526Brookville 528St. Leon 530Vevay 534 42 40 38 Site#Site Name 534Lawrenceburg 535Brownstown 657Aurora 728Greensburg 804Columbus 853North Vernon 5312Salem 5345Rising Sun 5375Guilford 7504Jefferson 7506Pekin 7512Charlestown 7513Batesville

22 Pre-Cutover Checklist All radios on the system MUST be dual programed prior to P25 Cutover reaching your area. Current System & P25 System both in the radio Users must know how to switch the radio from the current system to the P25 system Radios that have not been reprogrammed will NOT work on the new P25 system!

23 Phase 1 County Readiness Acknowledgment Form

24 Today’s Agenda Background/History Pre-Cutover Checklist Anticipated Cutover Timeline Contact Information

25 Our goal Minimize risks to PS Accomplish cutover in a tiny amount of time (overnight)

26 On Cutover Day Monitor WebEOC for Notifications/Updates ‐Test password/access prior to cutover Information will also be transmitted via IDACS and email Notifications will include when sites go off the air and when they come back on

27 Approximate Timeline 2000 NPSPAC repeaters enabled 2100Motorola STs on Site at “A” sites 2200“Old” system off “A” sites 2400P25 system on “A” sites 0300Motorola STs at “B” Sites 0400“Old” system off “B” sites 0600P25 system on at “B” sites

28 Phase 1 A & B sites Phase 1A SITES Rabbit Hash - 503Fleenertown - 502 Croydon - 524Seymour - 45 Floyds Knob - 38Brownstown - 535 Charlestown - 7512Columbus - 804 Pekin - 7506North Vernon - 853 Henryville - 40Greensburg - 728 Salem - 5312 Phase 1B SITES Madison (41)Aurora (657) Jefferson (7504)Guilford (5375) Vevay (530)Peppertown (43) Patriot (49)Batesville (7513) Rising Sun (5345)Brookville (526) Lawrenceburg (534) St. Leon (528) Versailles (42)

29 Phase 1 A & B sites

30 IPSC/Motorola Staffing Motorola techs/13 sites IPSC staff ‐Network Operations Center ‐State EOC ‐Traffic Management Center (Indianapolis) ‐INDOT Fall City ‐ISP Regional Centers – Bloomington & Versailles

31 Key Decision Points Won’t go if weather is bad Won’t go if “major” event is happening ‐Up to agency to tell us

32 Today’s Agenda Background/History Pre-Cutover Checklist Anticipated Cutover Timeline Contact Information

33 Contacts PRIOR TO SYSTEM CUTOVER ‐Tyler Clements, 317.605.4377, DURING CUTOVER ‐For equipment/programming issues CALL YOUR VENDOR ‐System issues – IPSC Network Operations Center 317.234.1540,

34 Thank You!

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