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LIFE OF ABRAHAM The Friend of God Lesson 7. LIFE OF ABRAHAM God Calls Abram Abram Moves from Ur to Haran to Canaan Abram Flees to Egypt during Famine.

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Presentation on theme: "LIFE OF ABRAHAM The Friend of God Lesson 7. LIFE OF ABRAHAM God Calls Abram Abram Moves from Ur to Haran to Canaan Abram Flees to Egypt during Famine."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIFE OF ABRAHAM The Friend of God Lesson 7

2 LIFE OF ABRAHAM God Calls Abram Abram Moves from Ur to Haran to Canaan Abram Flees to Egypt during Famine Abram Returns to Canaan, with Great Wealth Abram and Lot Separate God Reiterates promises to Abram Abram Rescues Lot after Battle of the Kings Abram meets Melchizedek

3 Abram’s Fears Retribution from the kings he had fought Loss of his wealth –Lot’s choice –Refusal of spoil –(Retribution) Still no descendant –Childless –Servant was his heir I am a shield to you Your reward shall be very great So shall your descendants be

4 O Lord God, how may I know? Arrangement of the animals and birds Abram’s vision of “terror and great darkness” –Descendants enslaved in a foreign land for 400 years –Oppressor will be judged, people with come out with many possessions –You shall die in peace at a good old age –People shall return to Canaan Appearance of oven & torch passing between the animal pieces Ratifies the Covenant (see Jeremiah 24:18)

5 Sarai’s Proposal Consistent with God’s revealed will (“from your own body”) Might achieve God’s goal: descendant for Abram Acknowledges God, but does not trust in Him Failed to seek God’s approval Regression to pagan practices of old No guarantee of success (“perhaps”) Failed to contemplate the consequences of success

6 Abram Listened to the Voice of Sarai Abram listened to Sarai Sarai gives Hagar to Abram as his wife Hagar conceives Hagar despises her mistress Sarai Sarai blames Abram Abram lets Sarai resolve the tension Sarai mistreats Hagar until she leaves

7 God’s Promises to Hagar Return to Sarai and submit to her I will greatly multiply your descendants You shall bear a son named Ishmael (meaning “God hears”) He will be a “wild donkey of a man” Hagar obeys, and Ishmael is born to Abram at age 86

8 Lessons from Genesis 16 Our methods are not God’s methods We will suffer the consequences of using our methods rather than trusting in God God’s plan will prevail despite our choices Be careful of the influence of others Be wary of worldly solutions

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