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ICDS System Strengthening & Nutrition Improvement Project (ISSNIP) Central Project Management Unit Ministry of Women & Child Development Tripartite Portfolio.

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Presentation on theme: "ICDS System Strengthening & Nutrition Improvement Project (ISSNIP) Central Project Management Unit Ministry of Women & Child Development Tripartite Portfolio."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICDS System Strengthening & Nutrition Improvement Project (ISSNIP) Central Project Management Unit Ministry of Women & Child Development Tripartite Portfolio Review Meeting New Delhi: November 26, 2014

2 Key Project Information Project CoverageCentre and 8 Project States (162 Districts): 1.Andhra Pradesh 2.Bihar 3.Chhattisgarh 4.Jharkhand 5.Madhya Pradesh 6.Maharashtra 7.Rajasthan 8.Uttar Pradesh Project Implementation Period3 Years Project EffectivenessNovember 26, 2012 Project Closing DateDecember 31, 2015 Project FinancingAmount (US$ M) Total Project Cost151.50 Total Bank Financing (70%)106.00 Total GoI Financing (30%)45.50 Total Disbursements1.65 Implementation Progress RatingModerately Unsatisfactory

3 Project Status - Physical All 8 project states have secured necessary administrative and financial approvals for project staffing and 10 percent state share SPMUs established in all 8 States with Project Directors and Joint Project Coordinators in place Recruitment of technical consultants:  Completed at the Central level (CPMU) (all key positions)  State level: SPMU positions filled up in AP & Chhattisgarh; at an advanced stage in Bihar and Jharkhand; initiated in Rajasthan  Due in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and UP  District & Block level: AP – partially completed. In progress – Bihar and Chhattisgarh.

4 Project Status (Contd/-) Procurement: –Technical Agency hired in Nov-2013; full team in place at the central and 8 States level –Key IT equipment and other goods at the CPMU procured; –Few items under process (laptops, software, etc.; expected by Dec 20, 2014) –Procurement of all essential IT goods completed in AP, Bihar, Chhattisgarh and MP; Other States to complete by 31 Dec-14. Financials: -Funds transferred from GoI to 8 States (cumulative): Rs. 160.00 crore (approx.) -State Annual Action Plans for 2014-15 approved: Rs. 295.45 crore -Disbursement claims submitted to CAA & A: Rs. 17.90 crore

5 Physical progress – Contd/- Project Interventions initiated: Revised MIS rolled out in 3 States (AP, MP & Chhattisgarh); Training is underway in 2 States (Maharashtra and Jharkhand). UP, Rajasthan, Bihar lag due to issues related to printing of registers. New ongoing training (incremental learning) mechanism at the sector and health-sub center levels initiated: –Guidelines developed and issued to States –Training of State level master trainers completed –District and Block Resource Groups for facilitating incremental learning formed in 4 states: AP, Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand. Process is ongoing in MP, Maharashtra and Rajasthan Behavior change communication (BCC) activities initiated: –Formative research for supporting development of BCC strategy initiated –Community based traditional events focused on improving Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices initiated in 3 States (Bihar, MP, AP) (Guidelines issued to all states) Pilots designed and ready for implementation –Convergent nutrition actions pilot –Urban Pilot on Nutrition

6 Issues Hiring of consultants in Project States is taking longer than expected. –Approval of consultants positions obtained in UP on 21 Nov 14; in Rajasthan on 10 Nov 14; –Administrative hurdles still remain in MP and Maharashtra; Expected to be resolved soon. Capacity of states such as UP, Maharashtra and Rajasthan to deliver – minimal progress has been made by these states A remedial action plan developed in consultation with the Bank Team to speed up project implementation. GoI is planning a National Nutrition Mission: Re- alignment of project activities to fit some of the emerging priorities is under consideration through a project restructuring process.

7 Action Plan for next 4 months Additional interventions/activities keeping in mind PDOs of ISSNIP and aligned with larger ICDS priorities being identified for discussion with the Bank Team as part of the restructuring proposal; Hiring of technical consultants in the SPMUs and at the district/block level to be completed in all 8 States; Revised procurement plans based on the suggested remedial action plan to be implemented in all 8 States; All key activities including district-based pilots initiated across all States.

8 Thank you

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