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Entrepreneurship 101 AET 515 Instructional Design Instructor: James Corkins By: Cyrian Reed.

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1 Entrepreneurship 101 AET 515 Instructional Design Instructor: James Corkins By: Cyrian Reed

2 Entrepreneurship 101 Needs Assessment 1.Problem - The city of Kelsey’s history was founded on landscaping, farming and preserving natural resources within their environment. Incorporating courses that particularly deal with agriculture business and entrepreneurship, which maintain the Kelsey’s tradition of promoting family local owned businesses. 2. Explanation - Many business related courses are offered but there are no classes that teach students to be their own boss and successfully own a business. Any type of business degree needs to offer insight and education on entrepreneurship. 3. Opportunity - Entrepreneurship courses should be offered at the community college. 4.Gap - Many students are receiving associated degrees in business but are highly interested in the idea of future entrepreneurship.

3 Recommended Solution For Filling The Gap Conduct several questionnaires related to students interest in entrepreneurship. Create workshops for students to attend and report cumulative entries. Organize and conduct the above activities annually. Entrepreneurship 101

4 Instructional Goal and Performance Based - Objectives After successfully completing this instructional plan students should be equipped with the skills that are needed to successfully own and operate their own business. Students will become knowledgeable about the importance of globalizing their business and will gain experience through mentorship of local business owners. To empower student to create innovative employment opportunities so they can essentially make a honest living. Design course material that embarks on individual qualities and responsibility such as: Performance Based – Objectives Time Management Sales Finance Motivation Self confidence Ethics Instructional Goals

5 Application of “ ABCD ” Model For Performance Based objectives A – audience: Associate business degree students will be introduced to entrepreneurial ideologies. B – behavior: Students will be given instructions to clarify what they are expected to learn during the semester regarding self- employment. C – condition: Students will be fully aware of the labs and other supplementary activities that requires mandatory participation. Throughout the the semester students will need to create a mock business based on their entrepreneur interest which will be a part of their final semester grade. D – degree: In order for students to receive a relatively good grade in the course they must attend all classes, labs, and workshops. Students will be challenged and motivated while reinforcing their existing skills. Entrepreneurship 101

6 Summative Assessment and Learning Outcomes Students are assessed through the completion of several surveys that compares students’ career interest vision and entrepreneur style with the methods of other successful entrepreneurs. Students need to be actively engaged and involved in all classroom discussions, mentor workshops, field labs. Students will also be evaluated on one essay, several tests that include multiple choice, short answer, true/false questions and group assignments. At the end of the semester students will create a mock business for overall course evaluation. Essay Field lab participation Graphic Organizer Tests/ Exams (2) Mentor workshop Classroom discussion Mock Business 10 pts 20 pts 5pts 40 pts TOTAL 100 pts

7 Entrepreneurship 101 Learner Characteristics A community college entrepreneurship class that is comprised of 15 men and 15 women from different ethnicities. Students are required to take at least 10 units of business courses as a perquisite to register into the class. Overall course assignments scores range from 80% - 100% through individual participation of all classroom discussions, mentor workshops, field labs, group assignments, written essay, graphic organizer and the creation of a mock business.

8 Implications Of Instructional Plan Based On Students’ Characteristics Based on community college students’ characteristics; the instructional plan will inspire them to build self confidence, become risk takers, innovators, and an improve leader as they begin they journey into the world of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship 101

9 Students’ instructional setting is the following: Classroom = an extremely controlled environment where the instructor gives course lectures and leads class discussions ( 120 minutes, twice a week) Periodically local business speakers meet and talk with students. ( 60 minutes, monthly) Field labs = students attend and train with local area business owner of campus. ( 60 minutes, once a week) Online = Through instructor guided directions, students use the internet for extensive researched about their field of interest in the arena of entrepreneurship. Learning Context

10 Entrepreneurship 101 Delivery Modality The majority of the class is taught by the instructor with frequent presentation visits from local business owners. An asynchronous learning environment is highly encouraged and cultivated.

11 Entrepreneurship 101 Instructional Strategies The instructional content of the course is taught in three steps: self examination= students gauge their individual skills and determine if they have the ability to successfully run their own business. Identifying the opportunity= students create or select a profitable business idea. Immediate Action= students implement their business vision and put it into full action, to the best of their ability. All class assignments, field labs and activities are facilitated by the instructor.

12 Entrepreneurship 101 Plan Of Implementation For Entrepreneurship 101 Entrepreneurship 101 class specs: Four month course Meets twice a week (120 minutes) Field lab once a week Classroom setup is with 30 desk, 3 large round group tables, and wifi if available. Students materials consist of notebook, pen, pencil, and any wifi device such as laptop, ipad or etc. Resources: Text book Workbooks Supplemental readings Internet Movies

13 Entrepreneurship 101 Instructional Resources Lesson plan Laptop and projector Internet access Printed out supplementary readings

14 Entrepreneur 101 Formative Assessment 1.All students’ graded activities and assignments 2.Students’ overall class participation in discussion 1.Instructor’s observations 2.All students’ evaluations and surveys

15 Entrepreneurship 101 Based on the instructors’ evaluation of several graded assignments and class participation, students will have successfully completed the course and have received cumulative score of 70pts or higher. Evaluation Strategies

16 Entrepreneurship 101 Outcome Review Based on the instructor’s overall evaluation, students have: Presented their innovated product and executed a business plan for it Created a marketing plan Evaluated their personal capabilities of owning their own business

17 Entrepreneurship 101 Recommendations Due to current economic status of our economy, entrepreneurship has become the driving force to the rise of the new economy by helping generate jobs. The future of the Entrepreneurship 101 course is extremely bright and in demand. Adding this course into to any associate business degree will be promising to any business department.

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