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COMMON VOICE NETWORK SECOND PROJECT FORUM 19-20.03.2009. Budapest Hand in Hand Foundation.

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Presentation on theme: "COMMON VOICE NETWORK SECOND PROJECT FORUM 19-20.03.2009. Budapest Hand in Hand Foundation."— Presentation transcript:


2 COMMON VOICE NETWORK SECOND PROJECT FORUM 19-20.03.2009. Budapest Hand in Hand Foundation

3 The main steps of the project Month 1 (October 2008) 1. Setting up the partnership 2. Creation of the informal structure 3. Preparations for the desktop research on anti- discrimination regulations

4 The main steps of the project Months 2-3 (November-December 2008) 4. Implementation of the desktop research

5 The main steps of the project Months 3-4 (December 2008 – January 2009) 5. Summarising the results of the desktop research 6. First Project forum (22-23.01.2009.)

6 The main steps of the project Months 5-7 (February – April 2009) 7. Compiling national and international level lobby materials and preparations for the lobby 8. Second Project Forum (19-20.03.2009.)

7 The main steps of the project Months 8-10 (May – July 2009) 9. Implementation of lobby actions

8 The main steps of the project Month 9 (June 2009) 10. Formulation of political recommendations (Policy Papers) 11. Dissemination of Policy Papers

9 The main steps of the project Month 11 (August 2009) 12. Preparations for the Final Conference

10 The main steps of the project Month 12 (September 2009) 13. International Final Conference (proposed date: 11.09.2009.)

11 The main steps of the project Regular activities Every 2 months: Net-meetings

12 Main problems identified at the First Project Forum 1.Inappropriate implementation of regulations on the rights of persons with disabilities 2.Definition of the group of persons with intellectual disabilities (in regulations) 3.The UN Convention is not ratified yet in the country 4.There is no definition of disability in the law on equal treatment 5.Obligation of accessibility in the law on equal treatment

13 6. The obligation of reasonable accommodation is not included in national regulation (law on equal treatment) 7. The regulations on equal opportunities are not implemented effectively enough on national level 8. Official data is missing / not available on the effectiveness of equal opportunities regulations and that’s why we don’t know how appropriate they are 9. The system of supported decision-making is not implemented with relation the system of guardianship and related regulations don’t provide guidance on how to implement it Main problems identified at the First Project Forum

14 Strengthening the networks Contacting main stakeholders in the country Articulation of the necessity of addressing the problems crucial in each country Start examining the ways of: ratification of the UN Convention in the country making it more effectively implemented on the national level Main actions proposed to be undertaken

15 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Daniel Gal Hand in Hand Foundation

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