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Developing Senior Housing in Rural Vermont. Park House, Rochester, a former inn converted to create 14 bedrooms of shared elderly housing.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Senior Housing in Rural Vermont. Park House, Rochester, a former inn converted to create 14 bedrooms of shared elderly housing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Senior Housing in Rural Vermont

2 Park House, Rochester, a former inn converted to create 14 bedrooms of shared elderly housing.

3 In Townsend, Valley Cares worked with a nonprofit developer to construct 34 units of senior housing.

4 A vacant, former school in Swanton converted to a 16-room shared housing facility. Senior day program and health center.

5 A solar photovoltaic array atop Cathedral Square senior housing. Excess electricity generated is sold back to the local utility.

6 In the small town of Cabot, an 8-unit senior housing development.

7 Franklin Homestead: 16 apartments + 10 assisted living units

8 Children from Lawrence, Massachusetts were sent to the Labor Hall in Barre to protect them during the historic Bread and Roses Strike.

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