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Student Projects to Choose from and Project Expectations

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1 Student Projects to Choose from and Project Expectations
Project and Literature-Based Unit for Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan Essential Question: How do things change over time? Created for Mrs. Cole’s AIG Class, By Mrs. Cole

2 Choose one project to do out of the choices that are given
Choose one project to do out of the choices that are given. When choosing your project, select the project that is the most reasonable for you to complete, keeping in mind the resources that are available to you at home and at school. Be sure to review the project choices with your parents.

3 1. Design five MIC (Most Important Character) posters for 5 different characters in the novel.
Posters can be made from poster-board or designed digitally (i.e. Glogster) Characters chosen should be ranked, 1st place to 5th place, according to importance in the novel Note: Importance does not always mean “nicest” Ranking should be based on data that is collected from all class members who have read or who have been reading the book After posters have been created, a video should be produced that highlights these five characters on your devised MIC Awards broadcast where you and your partner/group are the hosts/hostesses of the show.

4 Rubric for Grading MIC Posters and Broadcast
Five posters are developed about the five most important characters in the novel, and each poster includes the character’s name and a colored picture (worth 4 points each, total of 20 points) At least three details are given about how each character was related to Esperanza or important to the novel’s overall plot (worth 4 points each, total of 20 points) Information is given about how each character acted (character traits listed) and felt (emotions) in the novel. A brief explanation is given about why they acted the way they did and what caused their emotions (worth 4 points each, total of 20 points) The posters are neat and creatively designed. (worth 2 points each, total of 10 points) Character changes are highlighted on each poster, proving the importance of each character (worth three points each, total of 15 points) MIC Show is video-taped and presented to classmates. The video features the five characters who won the MIC Awards with their posters and is hosted by the student(s). The video should highlight why the characters chosen were the most important ones in the novel. Character changes over time should also be discussed for each character. (worth three points each, total of 15 points)

5 Student Samples of Posters
See digital posters here to make and/or customize! View a Glogster Poster Here!

6 2. Create a power-point that summarizes the changes that took place in the novel with characters, situations, and events. Your power-point needs to have an introductory and conclusion slide. The conclusion slide should include what you learned from reading the novel and how you can apply the novel to your lives. Your power-point needs to have at least ten information slides, and there should be a different picture or graphic for each slide that represents the information that is given on the slide. You will need to interview and/or survey your classmates to gather opinions about the most important change that took place in the novel. You will need to present your power-point to the class and discuss the most important change that took place in the novel, according to your interviews/surveys of your classmates.

7 Rubric for Grading Power-Point of Changes in the Novel Project
The power-point includes an introduction and conclusion slide. The introduction includes the title of your presentation and your name(s). The conclusion includes what you learned and how you can apply the novel to your lives. (Worth 5 points each, Total of 10 points) Ten information slides are included with a different picture, symbol, or graphic on each slide. (Worth 3 points each, Total of 30 points) Each information slide highlights changes in events, characters, and/or situations that were apparent throughout the novel. Information is well-detailed. (Worth 4 points each, Total of 40 points) One opinion slide is included before the conclusion slide that proposes what the most important change in the novel was. On this slide, a convincing argument is provided for your classmates about why you propose this change to be the most important change in the novel. Your argument should be, at least partially, based on survey/interview data that has been collected from your classmates. (Worth a total of 10 points) Your power-point is presented to the class with appropriate voice-level and maturity. Classmates are given a chance to discuss and respectfully react to the opinion slide you present and to ask questions if they have any. How you gained data from your classmates is verbalized in your presentation, as well. ( Worth a total of 10 points)

8 3. Create a Movie that summarizes the changes that took place in the novel with characters, situations, and events. Your movie should have all of the components of the power-point project. However, instead of talking throughout the movie, you will gain points for showing the movie that includes appropriate music, timing, and transitions. View a sample movie created by Mrs. Cole on the right.

9 Rubric for Grading Movie of Changes in the Novel Project
The movie includes an introduction and conclusion slide. The introduction includes the title of your presentation and your name(s). The conclusion includes what you learned and how you can apply the novel to your lives. (Worth 5 points each, Total of 10 points) Ten information slides are included with a different picture, symbol, or graphic on each slide. (Worth 3 points each, Total of 30 points) Each information slide highlights changes in events, characters, and/or situations that were apparent throughout the novel. Information is well-detailed. (Worth 4 points each, Total of 40 points) One opinion slide is included before the conclusion slide that proposes what the most important change in the novel was. On this slide, a convincing argument is provided for your classmates about why you propose this change to be the most important change in the novel. Your argument should be, at least partially, based on survey/interview data that has been collected from your classmates. (Worth a total of 10 points) Your movie is presented to the class with appropriate maturity. The movie includes appropriate timing, music, and transitions. After the movie is shown, classmates are given a chance to discuss and respectfully react to the opinion slide you present and to ask questions if they have any. How you gained data from your classmates is verbalized after the movie has been presented. (Worth a total of 10 points)

10 4. Invent a board game that highlights changes in characters, events, and setting in the novel.
You will invent a board game that is based on the novel’s changing events, changing characters, and changing setting. The game should include a composed video for your classmates that gives clear and concise directions on how to play the game, what materials are needed for the game, and how a player wins the game. The game should be colorful and neat, and at least one detail from each chapter needs to be included in the game.

11 Rubric for Grading Board Game Project
The board game includes a composed video that explains how the student creatively designed the game (Worth 10 points) for his/her classmates and gives clear and concise directions on how to play the game (10 points), what materials are needed for the game (5 points), and how a player wins the game (5 points). (Total of 30 points) All parts of the game are included and available on the day that the game is due. (Total of 5 points) The game includes information about the novel’s changing characters (at least 4 examples), changing events (at least 3 examples), and changing setting (at least 3 examples). (3 points for each example, Total of 30 points) Game is creatively-designed to fit the events of the novel. (Worth 3 points) Game is colorful and neat with at least three pictures/graphics. (Worth 2 points for each picture/graphic, Total of 6 points) At least one detail from each chapter is included in the game. (13 chapters, Worth 2 points for each detail, Total of 26 points)

12 Examples of Student-Created Board Games
View more great student-created board games at: And Picture below from

13 5. Reconstruct three significant scenes from the novel to do a puppet show for your classmates.
The puppet show you construct should highlight how characters, events, the setting, and situations changed throughout the novel. The first important scene should come from the first third of the novel, the second important scene should come from the second third of the novel, and the third important scene should come from the last third of the novel. At least five character puppets need to be made for the show, and a different background needs to be made for each scene. The skit should be written on paper before it is performed and recorded into a video that will be shared with the class. The video should include an introduction to the puppet show that gives background information for each scene that will be presented. The introduction should also explain how/why each scene is significant in showing how changes took place in the novel.

14 Rubric for Grading Puppet Show Project
Three different scenes were created from the novel, where one scene comes from chapters 1-4 (Worth 5 points), one scene comes from chapters 5-9 (Worth 5 points), and one scene comes from chapters (Worth 5 points) (Total of 15 points). The puppet show highlights how characters, events, the setting, and situations changed throughout the novel. (Total of 10 points) At least five different character puppets were made for the show, and the characters resemble how they were described in the novel. (Worth 6 points for each character made, Total of 30 points) The three different backgrounds for the scenes are colorful, detailed, and appropriate for the show. (Worth 5 points each, Total of 15 points) Skit for the puppet show is written on paper before it is performed and recorded, and a copy is turned in to Mrs. Cole. (Worth 10 points) The puppet show is recorded and made into a video to be shared with the class. (Worth 5 points) The video should include an introduction to the puppet show that gives background information for each scene that will be presented. (Worth 5 points) The introduction should also explain how/why each scene is significant in showing how changes took place in the novel. (Worth 10 points)

15 Examples of Student-Made Puppets
Picture below from

16 Things to Remember… Choose the project that will be most interesting to you. Choose the project that you could work on at home, if needed. Share your project choices with your parents. Keep in mind the due dates for the project. Refer to the project guidelines frequently to remember expectations.

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