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Littleton Public Schools Trends and Implications Littleton Community Retreat April 18, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Littleton Public Schools Trends and Implications Littleton Community Retreat April 18, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Littleton Public Schools Trends and Implications Littleton Community Retreat April 18, 2008

2 Living in the Future Tense Hopes and fears What’s best for kids? What’s best for communities? What ideas and/or concerns will shape our future? Complex problems don’t have simple solutions.

3 Purpose Demographic Study – 2006 Enrollment –History –Makeup –Projections Facility Use Task Force

4 2006 Demographic Study Declining enrollment factors: Number of births trending lower Age of resident population trending higher Housing turnover is low

5 LPS Enrollment History (excluding Charter Schools)

6 LPS Enrollment Make-up In District vs. Out of District (excluding Charter Schools)

7 LPS Enrollment Projections (excluding Charter Schools)

8 Facility Use Task Force Charge Review data concerning district facility use, enrollment, and academic programs Develop principles, filters, and criteria to guide decisions when considering potential program and facility changes Recommend minimum and maximum school enrollment size Make recommendations on how best to address under utilized school facilities

9 Facility Use Task Force Membership Parent/community representatives - ten Teachers – four Principals – four LPS Certified staff member - one District liaisons - three

10 Facility Use Task Force Tentative Timeline February 2008First meeting April 24, 2008Draft interim report to BOE May 5, 2008First public forum September 2008Final report to BOE Second public forum October 2008Third public forum November 2008BOE discussion December 2008BOE action August 2009Implementation

11 Living in the Future Tense Hopes and fears What’s best for kids? What’s best for communities? What ideas and/or concerns will shape our future? Complex problems don’t have simple solutions.

12 Questions?

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