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Transportation Critical Infrastructure The development of a mathematical model, using a Systems Engineering approach, for assessing the impacts disconnects.

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Presentation on theme: "Transportation Critical Infrastructure The development of a mathematical model, using a Systems Engineering approach, for assessing the impacts disconnects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transportation Critical Infrastructure The development of a mathematical model, using a Systems Engineering approach, for assessing the impacts disconnects have on critical links for a highway network

2 Outline Objective Significance Definitions The Systems Engineering Process Assumptions Metrics Phase I Simulation Model Phase II Simulation Model

3 Objective The objective of this dissertation is to develop a mathematical model, using performance metrics, to simulate the impacts disconnects have on highway networks for major metropolitan cities in the US –Three Steps 1. Systems Engineering Approach 2. Network Link Performance 3. Links with Highest Affect on Critical Link

4 Significance to Society The contribution of this dissertation provides officials a decision making tool for resource allocation and risk mitigation –Metric that measures the performance of the network given disconnects occurring –Ranking of links affecting critical links the most

5 Significance to Society Decision Making Tool i, j

6 Significance to Research Algorithm for finding link with the most negative impact to the network given critical links

7 Critical Infrst. (CI) System Transportation CI System of Systems Major Cities City Boundary Network Node Definitions Arc - Link Disconnect Critical Link Steady State Highway Worst Link Best Link States Severity Index Movement of Goods Trucks Peak Traffic Off-Peak Traffic Other Traffic Days of Op.

8 The Systems Engineering Process Defining the System – System of Systems

9 The Systems Engineering Process Need Analysis Tonnage Complexity Costs Rise in Transportation

10 The Systems Engineering Process Stakeholders Operational Requirements Components M ission Definition P erformance and Physical Parameters U se Requirements I nput P rocess O utput C ity G overnment B usiness Attributes Relationships

11 Assumptions Highway Metropolitan City Steady State –Non-Event Days –Construction established and on-going –Mon – Fri Disconnect

12 Metrics OD Matrix Travel Time Distance Severity Index

13 Output Performance: Travel Time Distance Severity Index I35WI35E I45 I35WI35E Hwy 75 I20 I30 I20 Input Single Disconnect; 1/0 Variables Temporal Time of Day: I =1, 2, 3 (peak, norm, other) Links: l =1, 2,…, 9 (I35W North – I30 East) L1L2L3 L8L7L6 L5 L4 L9 Information Flow I=1 Phase I Simulation Model


15 Links Performance Worst Best

16 Phase II Simulation Model Critical Link

17 Phase II Simulation Model Work by others Mile stones OD Matrix Work by others Mile stones – use for phase II

18 Objective –Systems Engineering Approach –System of Systems –Two Phases –Components of the System –Critical Links

19 The Systems Engineering Process Defining the System – System of Systems Need Analysis Stakeholders Operational Requirements Components Attributes Relationships M ission Definition P erformance and Physical Parameters U se Requirements I nput P rocess O utput Defining the System – System of Systems Need Analysis Stakeholders Operational Requirements Components Attributes Relationships Defining the System – System of Systems Need Analysis Stakeholders Operational Requirements Components Attributes Relationships Defining the System – System of Systems Need Analysis Stakeholders Operational Requirements Components Attributes Relationships

20 The Systems Engineering Process Stakeholders Operational Requirements Components Attributes Relationships M ission Definition P erformance and Physical Parameters U se Requirements I nput P rocess O utput

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