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The Plan Learn about lab safety & become aware of WHMIS guidelines. 1.Class brainstorm 2.Minds On activity…Reading an MSDS 3.Worksheets 4.Discuss lab.

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Presentation on theme: "The Plan Learn about lab safety & become aware of WHMIS guidelines. 1.Class brainstorm 2.Minds On activity…Reading an MSDS 3.Worksheets 4.Discuss lab."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Plan Learn about lab safety & become aware of WHMIS guidelines. 1.Class brainstorm 2.Minds On activity…Reading an MSDS 3.Worksheets 4.Discuss lab equipment

3 Safety in The Laboratory A 1.1

4 Lab Safety (Personal Conduct) On Page 7 read safety rules. In Short form write why these rules might exist. –E.g., By reading the instructions I won’t mix the wrong chemicals. Most lab safety is common sense: 1) Read instructions first 2) Listen to instructions 3) Wear safety goggles 4) Don’t taste anything in the lab

5 Safety Hazard Symbols Each hazard symbol displays: –The degree of hazard by the shape and color of the border Yellow triangle: Caution Orange Diamond: Warning Red Octagon: Danger –The type of hazard by the symbol inside the border (See Fig A1.2 on pg. 8)

6 The symbol inside describes the type of hazard. Example – A skull (poison) inside a red octagon requires only 1g of poison to kill a 200lb man. A skull in an orange diamond requires 5g to kill the same man. A skull in a yellow triangle requires 30g.

7 WorkplaceHazardMaterialsInformationSystem Page 8

8 MSDS: Material Safety Data Sheets MSDS sheets are provided by the manufacturer & identify the chemical & physical hazards associated with each substance including: melting and boiling points, toxicity, health effects, first aid, spill and clean up procedures.

9 Reading an MSDS Do minds on activity… Reading an MSDS. See Figure A1.5 (pg. 9). Work alone or with a partner.

10 You must always wear protective eyewear! must COMPLETELYYou must always wear shoes in the lab. The shoes must COMPLETELY cover the foot (no sandals or open-toed shoes allowed). You may not wear loose clothing in the lab. This type of clothing can easily be dragged through a burner flame or beaker of chemicals. Long hair must be pinned up or otherwise restrained. Safety Apparel

11 NEVERNEVER put broken glass or metal in a trash can! Chemicals should be disposed of according to instructions for each chemical. NEVER put chemicals in the trash cans or sinks. No food or drink.

12 If you get any lab chemicals on your hands or elsewhere on you, rinse the effected area immediately with water. Before leaving the lab, ALWAYS wash your hands THOROUGHLY! Take only what you need from a container of reagent. If you accidentally take too much, do not return the excess to the container! Instead, try to share it with your classmates or take the excess to the instructor.

13 If you engage in unauthorized and/or careless work, you may be expelled from the lab, either for the day or permanently! Never leave an experiment unattended.

14 In the event of any accident or injury, no matter how minor, notify Mrs.Pilipchuk. Learn the locations of all safety equipment: fire extinguishers, eyewash stations, showers, and fire blankets.

15 What is that guy thinking?

16 I wonder if its loaded?

17 I wonder what it tastes like?

18 Never… Smell anything directly. Use your hand to gently waft fumes towards your nose. Taste anything in the lab. Taste is not an observation used in high school science! Put chemicals near flame unless directly told to do so. Lean over your experiment when adding one chemical to another.

19 Hair not tied up Safety glasses not on Loose clothing Acetone is flammable Natural gas hose is taught What’s wrong here?

20 Lab Safety Rap

21 Our Lab Safety *Safety station is in the Science Prep Room. *Fire extinguisher is beside Mrs. Pilipchuk’s door. *Fire blanket is behind Mrs. Pilipchuk’s desk.  Use for extinguishing small, starting fires. Clothes on fire, wrap the blanket around the person. *Fire exit route from the laboratory is by the door.  Exit right, turn left, go downstairs. Meet near the Confederation Pool.

22 Our Lab Safety School policy on laboratory aprons –wear them at all times. School policy on eye protection –wear goggles at all times even if wear eye glasses. School policy on long hair & Bunsen burners- tie hair back. First aid kit is located in the Lab Prep Room.

23 Eyewash Eyewash is located in the Science Lab Prep room. Do not use the one in Mrs. Pilipchuk’s classroom. To use-Push down on the paddle. Use the eyewash immediately if your eyes are exposed to a hazardous chemical. To use the eyewash: 1.Immediately flush eyes for at least 15 minutes. 2.Keep the eyes open & rotate the eyeballs in all directions to remove contamination from around the eyes.

24 Corrosive Substance If a corrosive substance is spilled treat with lots of cold running water. Never put anything but cold water on a burn!

25 Small & Large Cuts For a small cut  Wash the injury thoroughly with water.  Notify Mrs.Pilipchuk For a large cut  To stop or slow down bleeding, apply pressure to the wound.  Notify Mrs.Pilipchuk

26 Assignment Complete the WHMIS & HHDS worksheets (p. 7- 12 of note pack)

27 Lab Equipment Beaker: used to heat and measure liquids NOT Test tube: used to heat or seal liquids using a stopper Bunsen burner: used to heat chemicals in test tubes or beakers using an open flame Erlenmeyer flask: used to heat or seal liquids using a stopper

28 Test tube clamp: used to hold a test tube during heating or measuring Scoopula: used to transfer chemicals from the reagent bottle to another measuring device Buchner funnel: used with filter paper to separate the filtrate from the liquid Graduated cylinder: used to measure the volume of a liquid. Keep the bumper ring near the top to prevent breakage if it tips over.

29 Mortar & pestle: used to grind substances into a fine powder or pulp Crucible tong: used to pick up and hold items that are too hot to handle Watch glass: used to mix small amounts of powders or liquids Pipette: used to add fluid to an experiment Bulb: used to draw fluid into the pipette

30 Weigh boat: used to weigh powders on a scale Safety goggles: protective eyewear used when conducting experiments Hot plate: used to heat liquids Burette clamp: fastened to a universal stand to hold test tubes and other apparatus

31 Other Lab Equipment Medicine dropper: used to add small amounts of liquid to an experiment Iron ring clamp: fastened to support various apparatus on the universal stand Voltmeter: used to measure voltage Ampmeter: used to measure frequency Spot plate: Used to separate miniscule amounts of liquid

32 Tweezers: used to pick up miniscule items (e.g.,fibers). Funnel: used to filter Test tube rack: used to hold test tubes in an upright position during an experiment Test tube brush: used to clean test tubes

33 Read pages 3 – 11 A1.1 Check and Reflect p.11 #’s 1, 7 & 11 Prepare for lab safety & equipment quiz

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